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Hargeisa/Mogadishu start negotiations on joint control of Somali Airspace

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Somaliland, Somalia to begin airspace control negotiations in Ethiopia




The Government of the Republic of Somaliland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia are set to begin talks regarding the future of the airspace control of both countries, Somaliland’s Minister of Aviation announced on Wednesday.



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This issue is an harbinger to any future talks between Hargeisa & Mogadishu.


If Villa Somalia is unable to honour the agreements reached by previous Governments, then that casts a long shadow on future agreements. Which makes is it not worth it, to continue the ongoing talks.



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I think the real question is why is Farmaajo sitting down with Somaliland and talking about this topic? Isn't the federal government the one that should control these matters?


The way Farmaajo is running the country is more than crazy. It is a win for Somaliland.


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^^My thinking exactly,

The delusional SNM boys always come up with this line, "we are better, we are more educated, the SOMALI guys from Mogadishu,are corrupted, stooges, don't have policy, we are more democratic, they don;t know what they are doing?", I would understand people isolated in SL like North Korea would buy, but would the free people who live in diaspora buy this shit! it is cult, seriously


Secessionist should ask themselves,d there is a only country recognized,and has direct access to UN, and this UN agenty, ICAO , forget about Mogadishu, why would ICAO entertain non existent state?


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^^My thinking exactly,

The delusional SNM boys always come up with this line, "we are better, we are more educated, the SOMALI guys from Mogadishu,are corrupted, stooges, don't have policy, we are more democratic, they don;t know what they are doing?", I would understand people isolated in SL like North Korea would buy, but would the free people who live in diaspora buy this shit! it is cult, seriously


Secessionist should ask themselves,d there is a only country recognized,and has direct access to UN, and this UN agenty, ICAO , forget about Mogadishu, why would ICAO entertain non existent state?


You are forgetting the ultimate reality. The skies in question are not over Mogadishu nor over the "UN" or "ICAO". These skies happen to be right above Somaliland. And ultimately, it is that reality that will be deciding factor.


With China, a member of the 5 veto wielding Security Council members, still they do not control the skies of Taiwan. Taiwan manage their own skies outside of ICAO.

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I think the real question is why is Farmaajo sitting down with Somaliland and talking about this topic? Isn't the federal government the one that should control these matters?


The way Farmaajo is running the country is more than crazy. It is a win for Somaliland.



Somaliland never participated in any form of conference that was tasked to reconstitute the failed Somali Republic of 1960.


What you have today is a Federal Gov't in Villa Somalia which is based on agreement between Warlords of Southern Somalia. These warlords representing their clans (Southern Somalia clans) agreed to form a gov't which is based on 4.5 clan Federation.


Any gov't formed based on that agreement does not represent Somaliland its people.

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It seems reer Somalia are still not getting it. After 2 decades of civilwar, they have not learned a thing.


The outcome to this issue will be yet another eye opener to so many dreamers.

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So now you comparing Sl to super wealthy Island of Taiwan that had Western backing for decades? How you gonna execute ? TAIWAN spends billions a year on defense. by your logic,Icao would listen to every village that wants to secede, and adhwere to demands, what kinda world is that?



Why Qatar did not listen to Sl demands and still flies over Sl?


RUNTII laf baa toobin ku haysaan! And you cannot admit whatever the outcome at the end, now Mogadishu is in position of strength.

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While you clearly define your wishes, and even admit how you willing to resort to air piracy, and jam the air with noise, and confusion, the move is set, and all ICAO staff dealing with SOMALI air space, have been given final notification as of 2nd of October, to relocate to SOMALIA, by 31st of October 2017 and explains well the inter-country transfers(Somalia and Kenya), and intra-country transfers within SOMALIA cities,(Mogadishu, Hargaisa and Bosaaso)






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