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Kenyan Airforce bomb civilians in Gedo region

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Marka ugu horaysa dadkaas dhintay allaha u naxariisto


Oodweyne iyo walaalkiis waxaan idiin sheegayaa gedo kama duwana sh/hoose iyo kuwii lagu laayay itoobiya ama gobolada kalaba


cadowga dibadda dadkuu naga laayo si dhaqsaa uga samirnaa,kan dhexdeenana kama samirno nus qarni iyo ka badan.


kuwa na laaya yaan ka codsanaa inay na heshiisiyaan ama walaalo wado dhashay ku sheegnaa sida snm.


Haddaad ula jeedaan siyaasad aad ku duraysaan yaraankii afweyne masku guri walba waa jiifaa adeer.


Hargaysa hadduu hoos hurdo gedo qorax kulul baa ka jirta waana ka sun badan yahay kan hooska jiifa.


Tan qalbi dhagac

Waa Run in wadanigii aamusay, khalad ha u fahmin hana marin habaabin waaa siyaasada qayb ka mida waligeedna way jirtay cadowga dibadda iyo kan gudaha.


makasta iyo maangaabka yaan si sahlan ku samrin,ogowna samirku waa nimcooyinka ilaahay bixiyo kuwooda ugu qaalisan.


Talo walaatinimo

waqooyi galbeed soomaaliya waa meel qurux badan, daxiiskana ku fiican, shimbiro qurux badan oo noocyo badan baa ku nool, ha la ilaaliyo bii'ada dalkeena,dhirtana jaridda iyo dabar goynta ha laga daayo.


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Shimbiraha quruxdda badan rag baa dambaaba oo ilaashadda'e ma ishaad wax kaga guru hadii kuwaagii(iyaba qurux kama qatana'e) aad Garanwaa iyo Gudhuu ku casuuntay!

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Shimbiraha quruxdda badan rag baa dambaaba oo ilaashadda'e ma ishaad wax kaga guru hadii kuwaagii(iyaba qurux kama qatana'e) aad Garanwaa iyo Gudhuu ku casuuntay!


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saaxiib meeshaan iska dhaafsanahay difaac ma'ahan


farmaajo qabiil ku difaaci maayo qabiilna iguma filna waayo aragnimo intii igu filan waa usoo joogay.


meeshaan iska dhaafsanahay waxaa weeyaan,waa aragtidaada oo dhaafsiisnayn beel iyo abtirsi gala ilaa oodweyne.


Tan wadaniga

waa qalbiga ama wadnaha meesha ilaahay daalacdo oo cid kale ogaan karta ma jirto


Tan fedaraalka dhexe

Eedayn qaawan qof qaawan dhar uma xirto.

Dhaqaale lama hayo ciidankii midab looma samayn karo waa kala qabiil siyaasiyiintii beeluhu soo xusheen barkood cadawguu la shaqeeyaa,sadaqadii shacabka loogu talo galay "yay"baa dhex fadhida aan arxan lahayn

waa shaqo aan sahlanayn saaxiib laakiin ninkii meel iska fadhiya la sahlan.



Tan diyaaradaha

Beeshaad qaranka noogu sheegayso waa rabaayad cid diyaarad ku dilaysaana ma jirto waayo diidmo iyo mayaba ma taqaan


xataa imaaradka waa ku oran waayeen war dekedaan waa qadiim ilaahay nagu irsaaqay, 30 sano, biro haka kor taaginee mid cusub oo casri ah banaankaa ka dhisa haddaad dhaqaale haysaan, hindi yaa loo soo diray xoogsatadii masaakiinta ahaydna banaankaa qorax ku dishay.


Tan afweyne


Hadday snm daacad u ahaan lahaayeen siyaad barre siday shisheeyaha u jecelyihiin oo kale ma u malayn lahayd inuu diyaarad kor marin lahaa abid?

jawaabtu waa maya.


Intaan ka aqaanay soomaalida ayaguu ugu jeclaa warayso dadka wax galkaa intooda qaadka iska daysay.


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^Not too sure which end that came out. Surely it doesn't make sense.


The Kenyans were after A/S. Instead they indiscriminately levelled a whole village. Not even a word is heard from those who supposedly represent these poor souls.

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^Oodweyne, Afkaaga iyo dhegehaagu ma ismaqlaan, are you not the one always celebrating the misery of SOMALIS, just for cheap political goal, and recognition that will never come.


It is bizarre how you disguise yourself with lengthy writings, to compensate your shortcoming and anger and hatred to certain communities which is very obvious , from your Long essays, that carry little weight.


The somalis problem is collective, and will only be better with united , I don't wish bad for any SOMALIS, it hurts me when I see SOMALIS being hunted down everywhere, by Ethiopians, Kenyans, and evil radicals, but the elephant in the room is your leaders, like many others in SOMALIA, are working for SOMALI enemies,and part of the problem. I don't celebrate like, and come here saying BAGGA, anagaba sidaas banaloo galey, Waa gunimo, iyo meel hoose, SUBXAAN.


And more bizarrely, you and those who are happy to serve Ethiopians, wish everyone to join you at the bottom, else why you write many topics about the sad situation of QALBI DHAQAX, which was not new to us, how many hd SL handed over? how many did Puntland? Have you ever mentioned it?


Saxb, please attend trauma healing sessions, you are angry at certain community, and you can do nothing to them, they are here to stay. Marka habaarna wax kuyeeli maysid, markii ladaaglamayana waa carartey oo UK dabada la gashay.





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No body is celebrating here. The poor souls that were killed by the Kenyans deserve to be mentioned. If their so called gov't in Villa Somalia is silent on this, then it is a shame. That is the gist of this post.


And more bizarrely, you and those who are happy to serve Ethiopians, wish everyone to join you at the bottom, else why you write many topics about the sad situation of QALBI DHAQAX, which was not new to us, how many hd SL handed over? how many did Puntland? Have you ever mentioned it


If Somaliland was crying about "Somalinimo" and "Midnimo"... the usuals.. then yes, I would have screamed my lungs out to point to the munaafaqnimo. But, Somaliland has a clear policy on ONLF, Alshabab and other anti-peace elements.


Somaliland do not claim one thing and do the opposite.


But for Farmaajo to run on a ticket of "Anti-Ethiopia" and "Unity", then do a U turn. That needs to be highlighted. He needs to be held for what he said before and what he is doing now.

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^You have not brought much, other than self deception, and load of rubbish.


Any free thinking would see that FARMAAJO made a big mistake this time, big blunder, and who is defending this? but from you brought here shown only your hypocrisy.


Ethiopia is stronger than SOMALIA, currently , more sophisticated, and trying to extinguish SOMALI people hope, the same one you as an agent of Ethiopia , and they using you..



I repeat, You need help.

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