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Around 90 percent of adult males in Somaliland chew the narcotic plant khat

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Galbeedi what do you think is the solution for this? it is a total

disaster for the local economy and well being of the people.

We are losing $1 million a day, $28 million a month and a $336

million a year to Ethiopia voluntarily. When such a high number

eat the drug I can understand why it is easy for the corrupted

politicians to try to sell the never coming "ictiraaf" dream to the

drugged up public.


"Around 90 percent of adult males in Somaliland chew the

narcotic plant khat. They’re after 'mirqaan,' the Somali word

for the buzz that it can give. Somalilanders spend a total of

more than $1 million (930,000 euros) a day on khat. 'My friends

lend me the money,' said Abdikhalid when asked how he can

afford khat even though he is out of work. 'Once I’m employed

again I will return the favor."



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Saalax, even though Khat chewing is higher in Somaliland, economic activity related to Khat is also high and that can be seen as positive. Money is being circulated and thousands of families make a living off it. 

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