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Somalia leaders are competing to be spies of Abessinia.

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There is news in the media about an ONLF activists by the name of Cabdixakim Sheekh Muuse wjo is abducted from Gaalkacayo, Galmudug.


An Ethiopian operative in Galmudug masquerading as interior minister spoke to the media and accused the federal government of interfering a local case about an ONLF member. The fool does know that issues of intelligence and national security is the jurisdiction of the federal government. He wanted to personally deliver the activist to Ethiopia.


furthermore, the Kismaayo administration also wanted to take this activist and transfer to Godey and claim the credit. Shariif Hassan probably wanted the transfer to happen in Baidoa.


AS brother C/malik Coldoon said , this is going to be a huge scandal that will have huge repercussions for the government of Kheyre and its leader President Farmaajo. ONLF activists have offices in Canada, America and Europe without any interference from these governments. The ONLF movement is an indigenous and local Somali movement in the Ethiopian occupied region of Western Somali or Ogaden.


This movement had never targeted any civilian, and never ever involved any terrorism in the last 30 years. It is a local movement that is fighting for freedom and self rule from the old Ethiopian empire. The Somali government has no reason to target these activists within the republic. For years Ethiopian installed Somali regional states were abducting business people, traders and other innocent people to get favors from the Ethiopian authoritarian dictatorship.


No one had expected that the new Somali government will follow the footsteps of the regional leaders. If this is the case and the government had handed this activist to Ethiopia hell will break loose. This is going to be the beginning of the end of the Farmaajo government. If this is true, All that talk of Somali independence and nationalism might have just a plot to gain power.


I will not buy the stupid excuses of certain media saying that an extradition treaty was signed between the two countries. That is false. They are saying that each country must bring home their prisoners and exchange them to serve their time in their home country. Folks, this case is totally different. Besides almost all Somali prisoners in Ethiopia were innocent. This man was a free activist in the land of the Somalis and he should not be harassed let alone abducted and transferred to Ethiopia.


Finally, if this case is true, either Farmaajo is a liar who manipulated the Somali people or he is incapable of facing a powerful enemy. Malaha dadka leh dalka waa la haystaa ayaa run sheegaya oo madaxweynehuune awood ma laha uu ku horjoogsado Quwadan shesheeye.


A reliable source told me that almost all Soomali intelligence services members draw their salaries from foreign countries. At the end of the month you might hear, " Waar Fransiiskii mushaarki ma keenay, ama UAE ma keentay lcagtii. Some might even serve Ethiopia without the knowledge of president Farmaajo and do their duties toward their overlord.


By the way this speaker Mr. Coldoon was arrested in Somaliland for many months and accused of criticising Ethiopia.

















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coldoon waa ninka kaliya oo soomaali ka nool, asagana allaha xafido


lama qariibsan karo wadanka waxa ka shaqeeya shisheeyaa mushaar siiya ayagayna u shaqeeyaan dawladna 91'kii yaa noogu dambaysay


markaan u fiirsaday aragtidayda dhagatstay in badan odoyaal aqoon yahan ganacsato waxaa iisoo baxday in soomaalidu aaminsan tahay dawlad la'aantu inay ka fiican tahay dawladnimada


haddii dawlad jirto qaxooti la qaabili maayo waana dhibaato


haddii dawladu jirto canshuur baa la qaadi ganacsadena dhulkuu dhistayna waa boob ama hanti guud.


haddii dawladu jirto qofkii wax dila waa la dili


haddii dawladu jirto qofkii u magan noqda waa la asturi


maamulada iyo tuulooyinka haka dhacdo balse nin safaarad soomasliyeed galay oo la qaatay waa ceeb aan dhaqmayn


farmaajo dhaliishiisii waa bilaabatay

ninkii qof dila oo maxkamadi xukuntay waa inuu dilaa marka ugu horaysa, dawlad lama xiniinyo taabto jileecna shaqo kuma leh


odayaashaan afka gaduudan iyo ganacsatooda hadaysan sharciga iyo kala dambaynta u hogaansamayn dhex fadhigoodu macno ma leh, waa markhaati ka noqo wadan gumaysi lagu wareejinayo.



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Aad iyo aad ayee arrintaan murugu igu dhalisay runtii. Waa arrin dhaawaceysa damiirka qof walba oo Soomaalinimo aaminsan.


Ilaa hadda ma aaminsani madaxda sare qaranka ayaa wax saan la mid ah ku dhaqmeysa ama sameyneysa, iskaba dhaaf Farmaajo. Isma lihi Farmaajo inuu shaqsi ahaantiisa ku gacan leeyahay wax saan u foolxun. Dad dowladiisa xil sare ka haayo, kuna jiro ayaa ka shaqeeye, Xabashadana u basaas ah, sida maamul goboleedyada camal. Saas ay tahayna asagaa u madax ah dowladda, asagaana masuuliyaddeeda qaadaayo.


Haddii la dhiibay oo ay si rasmi ah u rumowdo baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ka codsanaa inta xildhibaan ee damiirka leh ku jirto inaynan ka harin dhacdadaan foosha xun, dabagal balaarana lagu sameeyo.

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waan kugu raacsahay saaxiib barlamaanku shacabkuu matalaa qaranimaooda iyo madax banaanidooda


waana shacab la magan geli karo taariikhdooda yay ku qornayd intaanan dhiman.


xaq waxay u leeyihiin inay ninkaas dabagal dhanka shrciga ku sameeyaan sababaha keentay in lakala garan waayo gacanta dawladda somaaliya iyo tan itoobiya.


tan farmaajo adeer waxaa jira la taliyaha dhanka amniga asagaana laga rabaa inuu usoo gudbiyo waxa saacad walba kusoo kordha aminiga qaranka


waxba kama ogayn, kaa saari mayso waa masuulkii ugu sareeyay wadanka inkastoo casaabad aan daacad ahayn la hurdo.


si cad uma cadaysan karaan sidaan filayo arimo badan oo jira awgood balse waxay ahayd inay ayagu maxkamadeeyaan hadduu cid dambi ka galay, waa layska qaatay waa macno foolxun.




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Waa in Dawlada Soomaaliyeed dhaqsa u dalbataa soo deynta muwaadinkan Soomaaliyeed. waxa la yidhi "Caduur Dhaw DHawdu uma Dhacsana" Waxaad moodaa wiilashan xukunka haya iyo daba dhilifyada ethiopia ee kalkaaliyeyaasha ay ka dhigteenba ma oga khatarta arrintani leedahay.


Nin muwaadin ah oo dalkaan u soo dagaalmay, oo ku dhaawaxmay in cadow loo gacan geliyo waa Qaran Dumis iyo Khiyano qaran (it is treason).


For three years he have been living freely i Mogadishu and suddenly the Ethiopian installed regions were chasing him. The Galmudug guys wanted to abduct and transfer to Ethiopia in order to gain favors. A new --who knows he could be an old spy--called Jeneral Galaal , who is now helping Ethiopian backed Ehlu Sunnah rebels , might have encouraged Galmudug to commit this crime.


If this crime were committed by tribal enclaves, Puntland or Galmudug, it would have been understandable, since their tribal system is weak vis a vis powerful nations in terms of intelligence, diplomacy and power.


Ma oga miyaa in Jamuuriyada Soomaaliyeed ee Xorta ahi ay ahayd amaba tahay meesha dadka Soomaaiyeed ee xornimo doonka ahi ay ku soo hirtaan oo nabad, magangelyo iyo muwaadinba ka noqdaan. Hore ayaan u sheegay waa dad aan taariikhda iyo Sooyaalka dadka Soomaaliyeed waxba ka garanayn.


Waxa la yaable sida degdega iyo sida dhaqsaha ee hawsha loo galay. Waa arrin u muuqata in dad sirdoonka ka mid ahi in ay qarash ku Qaateen.


Taliyaha sirdoonku waa in uu si dhaqsa ah isu casilaa . Waxa uu khatar geliyey mustaqbalka xukumadan iyo xidhiidhkii kala dhaxeeyey shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Taliyaha sirdoonku ,Ama waa basaas Ethiopia u shaqeeya, ama waa nin aan ka war ahayn waxyaabaha ciidankiisu ay faraha kula jiraan. Aduunyada waa la soo dhaafay wakhtigii hal nin ama qof gudoomiye ahi keligii go'aan gaadhi jiray. Waa in ay jitaa hogaanka maamulka (intelligence management leaders or executives who should debate these issue).


At this juncture, I Would not push the impeachment of President Farmaajo for two reasons.


First , the nationalist wing who could have reversed this decisions and lead Somalia to different direction are not ready at this moment to take over the helms of power if election is called next year. Second, impeachment will only serve the best interest of EThiopia and their spies, because they are ready to strike any time.


Weli miyaad aragteen baarlamaankii oo hadlaya? waa maya. Iyaga iyo gadhcasaayaashu arrimhaha beeshooda iyo kuwa shisheeyuhu xaga dambe ka wado ayuun bay ka halaan oo motion ka keenaan.


Arrintan waa in sida ugu dhaqsaha badan dawladu uga jawaabtaa, isla markaana muwaadinkan dhaqso loo soo celiyaa. Ma ahan nin qori wata ee waa siyaasi madax ka ah urur gobonimo doon ah oo Soomaali ah.


Haddii kala oonay sidaa ahayn, walaalayall, dadka Soomaaliyeed ha lugoynina, oo u sheega in ay waxba gacanta idinku jirin oo idinka iyo shacabkuba la haystayaal tihiin.


Ilaahay markuu wax daaha ka rogayu , si mucjisa ah ayuu ummadda wax u tusaa. Tani waa cashar, muujinaysa karti darada kaadirinta dwlada.


SAnbaloolshe waa in uu dhaqso meesha uga baxaa. Haddii kale Farmaajo ayaa bixi doona.












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Ma oga miyaa in
Jamuuriyada Soomaaliyeed ee Xorta ahi
ay ahayd amaba tahay meesha dadka Soomaaiyeed ee xornimo doonka ahi ay ku soo hirtaan oo nabad, magangelyo iyo muwaadinba ka noqdaan. Hore ayaan u sheegay waa dad aan taariikhda iyo Sooyaalka dadka Soomaaliyeed waxba ka garanayn.


Cadayn ayaa lagaaga baahanyahay Galbeedi in taasi run tahay iyo in mala awaal tahay.


Mida anigu runtii aan la yaabay munaafaqadda meesha ka socota. Dhana waxa la daadinaya ilmadda yaxaaska "Soomalinimo" "midnimo" which lures folks like this poor guy to fall into that trap. Double dealing in my opinion.


As far as Coldoon is concerned, he can say whatever he likes about Ethiopia. No one gives a flying fig about it. The reason why he was imprisoned was related to when blindly jumped into the "Farmaajo iigeeya" bandwagon.

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Miyaanay xornimo doonka Soomaaliyeed ee Djibouti xoreynayey aysan Muqdishu, Hargeisa iyo Zaylacba saldhigyo ku lahayn. Miyaan NFD dadka u dagaalmaya aysa Jamuuriyada Iman. Miyaanay dadka shanta Soomaaliyeed ka socda aysan labada isu tagay aysan geedkooda hadhsanayn.


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Khaainku ilaa muddo ayuu dhuuman karaa.


The ONLF chairman said that Farmaajo has sold out Somalia when he went to Addis this summer. When he visited Kenya and Ethiopia , people were asking what kind of agreement he signed, No one knows .


Sagaara Xaar muuqda ayay assaastaa.


Wadaniyiintu ninkii ay ku bedeli lahaayeen ha inoo soo diyaariyaan.

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Farannajo iyo dhamaan dadka Soomaaliya madaxda ka ah waa dad iska dhiibay wadama shisheeye.


Most of the Somalis in the diaspora are political refugees and asylees. It is against the international law to to return political opponents from the country they were escaping. Ethiopia and Somalia had never exchanged political opponents.


I knew there was something wrong when he surrounded himself with old boys of Damujadiid.: Sanboloolshe, Taabit, Fahad Yasin and others.


Waar tuuga inoo soo dhuuntay aan iska qabano inta uusan wakhti badan inaga khasaarin.

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Miyaanay xornimo doonka Soomaaliyeed ee Djibouti xoreynayey aysan Muqdishu, Hargeisa iyo Zaylacba saldhigyo ku lahayn. Miyaan NFD dadka u dagaalmaya aysa Jamuuriyada Iman. Miyaanay dadka shanta Soomaaliyeed ka socda aysan labada isu tagay aysan geedkooda hadhsanayn.



I was referring to "Dal xor ah" as far as today is concerned. Are you sure in Somalia tahay dal xor ah?


I mean, Dawlad aan bixin karin lacagta staff-keedi oo looga yabooho calaamka, Parliamaan dalal shisheeye mushahar ka qaata. Ciidamo shisheeye oo dhulka xukuma.


Adeer, dhulka Somalia la yidha is essentially in "trusteeship".


Madaxda Villa Somalia waa inay dadkooda runta u sheegaan.

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My biggest problem with this is not because they handed over ONLF member, that is old news.


But what is just wrong is to preach one thing and do another. Farmaajo and Co need to come out and tell the people exactly what their policy is. By clarifying the policy, the ONLF members can make an informed decision to either leave Mogadishu or take risk of remaining in that city.


I find Farmaajo's current silence a cowardly act.


Ethiopia has not minced its words regarding the hand over.


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