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Ex-Unionist from Sool shares what changed his views about Somaliland

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The difference runs deep. Unlike the few individuals (I can actually count them with my fingers) that are holed up in the hotel rooms of Mogadishu. The ones I posted here are active and have constituency that they represent. They are on the ground doing great job, whether in Laascaanood or Buuhoolde. There is no place that is out of bounds or off limits to them.


The ones that MMA posted are just mere individuals. I mean they cannot even bring two people from the clan they say they represent anywhere, either in the Diaspora or back home.


I still fail to see any benefit these individuals bring to Mogadishu other than the phantom fake representation they tell themselves. They have zero affect on "Somaliland" or "Unity".


In fact, they are the "last" anyone thinks about if they are talking about either "succession" or "unity". They have no platform, no constituency, no power on the ground, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just individuals filling positions that are vacant.


The bright side, they are building houses in Hargeisa with the money they are raking in from Mogadishu. Easy money.

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Subhaan, Dr. Mohammad Abdullahi Omar with all the secrets of SL, if they ever had secrets , is spilling the beans,at Mogadishu, and SULDAANKA brings a guy here , who is UNKNOWN, for all we know could be from DURIYADA on propaganda spin, but Dr. Mohammad Abdullahi Omar does is obvious


SUBXAAN, people can dream, but for once see this as only ONE clan project, and this clan can't even accommodate others,


Dr. Mohammad is a Somalilander. He holds no official position in government. He can get employed anywhere he wishes.


But I do not believe that he will change his Somaliland position. It is just another way of advancing that project. I would be worried if I was Unionist. :D

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^But bro why would someone who held one of the highest Ministers in SL , and working for the s secession , go to Mogadishu and abandon ship. Why Mogadishu, when he has the qualification to get work anywhere?


I am certain Dr. Mohammad Abdullahi Omar knows something most diehard SLers don't, Maybe he knows this SL project is going nowhere, Think about it

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^It could be anything... it could be nothing.


What I have heard, this is just ku-tiri ku-teen whatsapp chitchats... Although I have also heard from an interview with Yusuf Garad recently. There is a "intellectuals" meeting about the up coming Somaliland Somalia talks. These talks are happening are taking place both in Hargeisa and Mogadishu.


I am not too sure whether Dr. Mohamed's visit is related to this. But, all I know is that there are movements around the up coming Somaliland Somalia talks.


lets things clarify and we will revisit.

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Yusuf Garad, Aug 11th, talking about Somalia Somaliland talks and mentioned about "Aqoonyahano" preparing papers when the official talks begin.


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That is the most plausible reasons. Dr. Mohamed is a shrewd and calculated politician/academic. I hardly doubt he will stoop so low as to take cad-quudheed in Mogadishu.


Anyway, the up coming talks between Somaliland and Somalia is completely different from the previous dress-rehearsals. This time, a number of the 'powers-that-be' are involved in setting the agenda.





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