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Somaliland incorporates Khaatumo melitia planned joint ops in Buuhoodle

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Sida muuqata mar walboo doorashada Snm soo dhawaato,waa caadooda inay jabhad cusub indhaha dadka kusii jeediyaan,ayagoo isticmaalaya dad aan garasho badnayn,iyo maskax shisheeye.


Shir sidiisaba waxba ma dhimo waxaa soomaaliyoo dhan lagu hayana waa heeso gaalo soo aliftay,snm haday go'aansato inay isku layso dad abaaro kasoo doogay oo iska tabar yar,waa dakano ay meel dhigteen.


Odagaan wiilasha tuutaha u galiyay waxaan kula talin lahaa, snm haday buuhoodle xorayn karto waa horay xorayn lahaayeen,mana ogola in dad uga dhinto xuduud beena, runtana way ogyihiin,waxay isticmaalayaan waa dhaqaale loogu talo galay dadka abaaraha iyo faqrigu hayo, dhuuni raac waa ceeb aan lagasoo kaban wiilkaagayna dhaxal u noqon doontaa.


Talo waxay kula joogtaa intaadan dhiig reer buuhoodle daadin,inkastoo dadka laysku laynayo caam ahaan soomaali yihiin, hadana way kala sokaysaa ina hebel soo aasa iyo maydkaan yaa yaqaan.

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Kolay hadii aanay jirin wax aad ku dari karto ama aad ka dhimi karto Somaliland, inaad naftaada ku maaweelisid "SNM" ama "Waqooyi' ama magac kale, waxay ka dhigantay nin gacmo daalis wakhti badan ku lumiyay.


Mar hadii sidaa tahay, inta dad kale talo siinaysid, adiga ayaa u baahan talo awoowe. Waaqiciga runta ah iyo wakhtiga xaadirka u soo dhawow. Maaweelada iyo khiyaaliga iska dhaaf.


Arinka ah Buuhoodle, Dadka reer Buuhoodle kuma jiri karaan Dawlad la'aan iyo fawdo joogto ah. Waxay u baahanyihiin kala danbayn, maamul iyo horimar ay la jaanqaado asaageeda.

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Saaxiib khalad haka fahmin w/galbeed iyo snm waa magaca saxda ah wixii ka horeeyay burburkii dawladdii dhexe


haddaan ugu yeero jumhuuriyadda iskeed isu magacawday waa xaruuf dheer muhiimna ma'ahan.


magaca somaliland wali booskiisii ma haysto,haddaan ku iraahdo soomaali baan ahay adna tiraahdo somaliland baan ahay wax farqi ah uma dhaxeeyaan waa isla meeshii.


tan reer buuhoodle maamul way leeyihiin shacabku ogol yahay cid ay ka dahsoontahay ma jirto calanka buluugga ahna way haystaan,waana shacab soo jireena oo fac wayn dhanka wadaniyadda iyo halgamaddii lasoo maray amaba ugu taariikhda fiican soomaalida.


snm waxay ka faa'iidaysanayso waa siyaasi ku sheeg muqayil ah ama jeeb maran wuxuu dhiba uu la yimaado ninkii sakhraamiyay baa loo haystaa asaga cidina wax ku fali mayso taas kaftan ha u qaadan raggna waligaa ha sahlan.


doorashadiina iska gala kaniisado badana dhisa dhibka iyo iska hor keenka joojiya bal in aqoonsi yimaado ka war suga sodon sanoo kale.


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Awoowe, mar hadii aad ku marganaysid magaca "Somaliland", wixii kale eed meesha ku soo qorta wax macno leh samayn mayso.


Buuhoodle iyo nawaaxigeeda adiga sheeko sheeko ayaa kugu soo gaadhay, laakin aniga waa meelaha aan geela ku raaco. Kolka labadeena keena si hoose ula socda waa iska caday.


In badan ayay rag badan oo halkan soo gali jiray odhan jireen Somaliland Adhicadeeye sooma dhaafayso, ka hor intii aan maamulka Puntland Laaska laga saarin 2007kii.


10 sano ka bacdi, inay Buuhoodle si nabad ah gacanta Somaliland uso wareegto wax mugdi ah oo iga jira ma jiraan.


Habeen wacan.

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God bless Ali Khalif!!!


And for those who want to provoke has been close to 30 since this Sland thing, perhaps money would better spent on those who really need them.


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^Ilaahay ayaa qani ah, oo qof walba halkiisa wax ku siiya.


There was a time when 95% of Hargeisa's residents were as poor and as homeless as that lady. There was time not a single building had a roof, doors, windows etc. All looted by Afwayne and his apologists.


There was a time, I myself included, attended School in Hargeisa where I had to sit on a used Power-milk Nedo tin can.


There was a time, we had to walk on a straight long patch of dirt one after another between houses, because we were afraid if we step on a land mine or unexploded ordnance.


Thank goodness that Lady and her kids are is living in a city where they no longer have to worry about the basics of life, peace, security and land free of harmful unexploded mines.


So, there is progress, hopefully one day everyone will have a decent roof and food on the table guaranteed by the State.

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Majority of Somalis were/are facing difficult times, mass starvation, mass massacre, relentless droughts, terrorism, piracy and no central state. We can't use history to negate the current realities.. Almost thirty years on with benefits of peace and political stability, how could such poverty be stone throw away from the center of power?


And who should be held accountable for the lack of economic and social progress?

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Good questions. But not fair ones.


Poverty is universal. And each person's story of why he/she finds themselves trapped is in many ways similar. You can find all kinds of these stories from around the corners of world, from the backstreets of the riches economies, to the slums of poorest nations.


But people need not to preoccupy themselves with the negativity. One always is bettter off if they see the possitive side to any situation.


The positives are many, the tragectory of the country is upwards, the economic recovery is trending up. There is a sense that the worse is long behind us. And now that everyone is competing to better themselves and their neighborhoods.


Hopefully sooner than later the State House Golf course residents will get the help they deserve.


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Poverty here is affordable, and basicly your leaders and government are as corrupt as they come, and the POINT CHe is trying to make is , you can keep blaming the ills, and the misfortunates of your Admin and Leaders, the OLD dictator LAFIHISII DHAMAADeen.


It is time to self reflect, while few at the top face death by gluttony, the masses starve, and your answer is very simplified, to big problem, i.e being victim.


Most Somalis anywhere are only victim of themselves, and leaders they chose

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