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Che -Guevara

Heavy Casualties Inflicted on Puntland

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Over fifty men were killed in early morning raid, While security forces can take on AS, the war against AS cannot be won without the support and cooperation of the citizens and this is true for all of Somalia.

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This attack in Puntland is not the usual skirmishes in the Galgala mountain. It is a well calculated political operation aimed at forcing Puntland to change the course or follow the orders of certain powers.


Last year about 400 men and boys were trucked and bused from Bay and central region of Somalia. They were loaded in boats at central region coastal waters and thrown inside Puntland. luckily they were defeated. Galgala was subdued and was quite lately, and now suddely this huge army of Al-shabaab showed up without notice. Last week ,C/weli Gaas said that there is going to be a campaign against Puntland.


As far as I am concerned, Ethiopia or other powers who use these terrorists for their own plans are probably pressuring the Puntland leadership to change the course. It is an order. Do this or will unleash the Al-shabaab.


Nothing happens in a vacuum. Probably the Puntlanders know more and could explain this new power in the mountains.






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That is heavy. What happened tolow? Did they all sleep and relax thinking nothing will ever happen? You should always keep your guard up.

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