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April 16 2017


The political and security advisors of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member State (FMS) leadership met for a two day meeting (15-16 April 2017) to discuss political questions relating to Somalia’s national security architecture.


These recommendations take into account and build on the existing National Security Policy and the New Policing Model.


The Somali National Army will consist of:


1. Somali Ground Forces


2. Somali Air Force


3. Somali Maritime Forces/Navy


Key Tasks/Responsibilities:


– Safeguarding National Unity/Sovereignty of the country


– Safeguarding and defending the borders of the country


– Defending against external threats and any internal threats that endanger the stability of the country


Figures/Numbers of the SNA and Police Force


Recognizing the challenges of Somali budget and revenue generation, recommend that:


1. The Somali National Army (SNA) shall number at least 18,000, excluding the Special Forces (Danab), Air force and Navy. This work shall be completed within six (6) months, starting from 1 June 2017.


2. The training of these forces shall take place within Somalia, with a unified Somali curriculum, in order to revive national training institutions, which shall be reequipped and resupplied.


3. The SNA shall fall under the Ministry of Defence, and the Minister for Defence shall prepare and assign budgetary allocations in consultation with the Minister for Finance.


4. The Somali police force shall number 32,000, divided into Federal Police and State Police as per the New Policing Model. This 2 expanded figure shall include the Coastguard, as well as Darwish. This task shall be completed within six (6) months, starting from 1 June 2017.


5. The Coastguard will be built and strengthened at the federal level, and the coastguard police at the FMS-level. Their roles and responsibilities will be established later. This task shall be completed within six (6) months, starting from 1 June 2017.


Distribution and Composition


6. The existing SNA sectors shall be redrawn to align with FMS boundaries to reflect the political developments in the country/federal system. This task shall be completed within three (3) months, starting from 1 June 2017.


7. The SNA forces, numbering at least 18,000, shall be distributed across existing SNA sectors (12th, 21st, 43rd, 49th, 48th, 54th, 26th and 60th). The subsequent distribution of the SNA forces (numbering at least 18,000) across the FMS boundary-aligned sectors, shall be determined based on military and geographic need. SNA and FMS leadership will participate in any necessary redistribution of forces. This task shall be completed within six (6) months, starting from 1 June 2017.


8. 500 Danab Special Forces shall be established in each SNA sector, with input from the FMS, reporting to the Danab Brigade HQ in Baledogle. This task shall be completed within six (6) months, starting from 1June 2017.


9. The distribution of the 32,000 police, between Federal and Statelevel, and the question of how many of these should be Darwish, is yet to be determined, but it is agreed that there should be a fair and equitable distribution, based on needs.


10. The Darwish elements of the State-Level Police shall be a reserve force that can be activated as deemed necessary. They shall work with the SNA forces in times of national crisis.


11. The existing regional forces will therefore become part of SNA or be part of State Police. This task shall be completed within three (3) months, starting from 1 June 2017.


12. Those armed personnel who do not meet the requirements for inclusion in any security forces will require comprehensive demobilization and reintegration programmes. Given Somalia’s limited resources and the need to reduce security forces substantially, a DDR and rehabilitation programme will be instrumental to mitigate the risk of extremist groups recruiting former security forces personnel. This task shall be completed within twelve (12) months, starting from 1June 2017.


13. The National Integration Commission shall be a crucial component for ensuring the realization of Somali national security forces, which represent each FMS and the whole country. This task shall be completed within thirty (30) days, starting from 1 June 2017.


Command and Control


14. The Somali National Army is a national force and the President of the Federal Government of Somalia is the Commander in Chief. He is also the Chair of the National Security Council (NSC).


15. The National Security Council will include the FMS presidents. Similarly, the Prime Minister (PM) and FGS Ministers (Ministers for Internal Security, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Defence and Finance and the Governor of Banadir Region). In addition, the Heads/Directors of Somali National Forces and National Security Advisors will be technical members of the NSC. FMS participation in National Security Council meetings could be virtual through technical means when necessary. This task shall be completed within ten (10) days, starting from 17 April, 2017.


16. While the National Security Council will handle policy and strategic matters, the Regional Security Councils will enforce implementation. The Regional Security Councils will be chaired by FMS presidents and will include the SNA sector commanders and the State-Level security departments.


17. The State-Level forces shall shoulder the responsibility to ensure security within the FMS solely or with the support of the SNA.


18. To realise effective coordination and collaboration between the Federal and State-Level security actors, National and State-Level 4 Coordination offices will be established. This task shall be completed within thirty (30) days, starting from 17 April 2017.


19. For external threats, the National Security Council will take direct action. For major operations related to internal threats involving the SNA, the National Security Council shall authorize the scope and methods of the operation, and delegate operational command responsibilities for the relevant SNA sector to the relevant Regional Security Council.


20. In consultation with the FMS presidents, the CDF will propose SNA sector commanders to the MoD for approval. In the event of concerns about the performance or conduct of a particular SNA sector commander, the relevant FMS President will officially report it to the FGS President.


21. The Federal Police shall report to the relevant FGS Minister, and State-Level Police shall report to the relevant FMS authorities.




22. The FGS shall be responsible for the salaries and support requirements of the SNA.


23. The FGS shall be responsible for the salaries and support requirements of the Federal Police, and FMS’s shall be responsible for the salaries and support requirements of the StateLevel Police. Internationally mobilized resources (donor support) for the security sector shall be equitably distributed across the Federal and FMS levels.


24. There shall be a Federal financial responsibility to support sections of State-Level Police that are engaged in active operations against internal threats.


25.Effective and transparent monetary management system for the operations of the forces’ resources shall be established within three (3) months.


26. The International Community are requested to set aside enough resources to support the restructuring and development of the national security architecture during this transition period.


27. The security budget shall be sufficient to ensure proper funding towards the security sector, including salaries, equipment, healthcare, training, housing and operations, and additional items.


28. The above mentioned responsibilities shall be in line with the national constitution and resource sharing mechanisms

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It is huge task with overlapping responsibilities. Since the federal government does not even control Mogadishu let alone Cadaado, they definitely need the help of these regional governments to to built and command these forces. In other words, the regional governments are presiding and managing the army in their regions. Rather than provide good governance, accountability and providing basic services, they have been given the duties of the federal government.


The national security counsel (NSC) which is the sole policy of the federal government have been joined by regional states. Here it says, "15. The National Security Council will include the FMS presidents. Similarly, the Prime Minister (PM) and FGS Ministers (Ministers for Internal Security, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Defense and Finance and the Governor of Banadir Region)


If that is the case, you might not need the federal government. Why not let the federal member states build their army , police, institutions and then negotiate or choose every four years a president among them to be the president of federal member sates.. Rather than create every four years this weak government that does not even protect it self without Uganda and others, and yet , claim to be the Somali federal government , I would disband it and replace it with the Benadir regional government..


Instead of having these large members of parliament , ministers, and heads of government in one city , with overblown budget of $250 million, I would create the " Banaadir Regional government" and it's duties should be pacifying that city only. A safe and functioning Banadir regiobal government will sit in the meeting as a member state.


Malaha hawshan aan ku daalnay labaatanks sano waxa haboonayd in dadka Muqdisha jooga la yidhaahdo isa oo nabadeeya oo maamul soo samayta. Dawladnimada dusha la idinkkaga keenay, ee idinkuna aad Soomaalida ku baadhanaysaan ilayn " MUkulaal minankeeda Joogta Miciyo Libaax bay leedahay" arintu weeyaane. Hadhowna laga wada hadlo meesha la aadayo.



In every federal jurisdiction in the world the central government and the regional federal states corporate for internal security and the delivering of the service, yet the Somali system is one of a kind or the most strange federal arrangement in the world. This country is not the only one in conflict supervised or aided by the international community or regional states, but in almost all cases the front line states leave quickly in short and reasonable time, or they do not intervene directly at all.


The UK government ha called a so called Somali conference in London to raise money from the donors states. The last time this was done Somali regional leaders were there. If there is no credible Somali federal leader or president to represent Somalia, then change the format , but if you want the Somali state at the table , let the president or the prime minister sit in the table. NO country in the whole world acts this way. it is not done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Congo or any other place where there is a conflict.


Finally, We the "Reer Woqoyi" will not accept this so called regional formula masquerading as the Somali government. It is a southern government.


My first

















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Finally, We the “Reer Woqoyi” will not accept this so called regional formula masquerading as the Somali government. It is a southern government.


It is a southern government :D Well come to the real world. :D


Further to that realisation, Reer Waqooyi in Mogadishu need to clarify whose interests they serve? Ama Reer Waqooyi xiniinyo miiska saarta ayaa noqondoontaan ama Reer Waqooyi Reer Koonfur ku adeegto ayaa noqondoontaan. :D



As for the topic, what does the "Federal Constitution" say about the devolvement of SNA into regional forces. Arinku mise waa "la jiifiyaana banaan... la joojiyaana banaan".


Askari laba qof amar kama wada qaato, ama Mogadishu ayu amar ka qaadan doona ama regional heads. Hadii regional head u ka qaatona arinku waa isla jug-jug meeshada joog. In fact, it'll only arm the clans against each other further.

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Arrintu xiniinyo iyo waxaas ma ahan, laakiin waxa la isku hayaa waxa weeye dhaankan meesha loo wado aanan garanayn miyaan iska daba galnaa mise waanu eegna meesha uu ku arooro.


insiders say that president Farmaajo is just implementing a plan that was agreed upon by his predecessor Hassan Sheikh. Those who occupy Somalia are prolonging the formation of the Somali Army. Rather than reform and select those who are trained and willing to do their duties, this new formula totally disbands the current Somali army member.


It is the new system or formula that colonial powers use to disintegrate the cohesiveness of the people by creating sectarian or tribal army. We have seen these issue in Iraq and Syria. In Iraq, the Kurdistan regional government has it's own army and territory to defend from ISIS and the other groups including the Shia dominated Iraqi army. Having won the right to have their own army and boarders their next move is to declare independence. In Syria , you have Kurd's, supported by the Americans, the Free Syrian army,, a coalition of other Islamist rebels and the Assad government. Each one of them has it's own soldiers, and The quagmire is getting worse by the day.


Four years have passed since the London conference of 2013, and the nothing has changed. The British envoy traveled to Jubba land and other regions to convince them their plans of creating regional armies. They will be sitting at the table in the London conference and they will be getting their money directly to build their own armies.


Nothing is changing in Somalia. They always find new ways to drail the hopes of the people. Here is the summury of what the media wrote about Somali army training in 2013 when everyone was hoping the formation of an army within the next four years. So far no one knows where all those trained soldiers have gone.


here a sample of those who trained:


Training has been provided to 3,600 members of the Somali army, including 29 women, in the Bihanga training camp in western Uganda from 2008 to 2013..


The EU training program – known as EUTM Somalia – is part of a multifaceted European engagement that makes the EU Somalia’s biggest donor, providing more than €1.2 billion since 2008.


Over the past two years, external players including the European Union, the US, Ethiopia and Turkey have separately trained thousands of Somali forces. Some in Somalia say it is a muddled effort, one which, like other aspects of the international engagement here, is based on sometimes competing interests and agendas.


Add all that the new actors like U.A.E who built their own barracks to train an army of their own. Usually they do not move unless ordered by the Emirates .The Americans have a well trained Somali special forces that is based inside the airport. The "Gaashaan" contingent is paid and controlled by the Americans.


Then you have 22,000 Ugandan army that resides mostly in Mogadishu. One wonders why a twenty thousand army could not even advance 30 miles outside Mogadishu and engage these hapless Al-shabaab who are traveling with small trucks. The truth is the people of Mogadishu are occupied by African mercenaries who are not willing to defeat a small rag tag army of poor terrorists.


After seeing what is happening and what Farmaajo has campaigned, A Somali insider told me that , " he is either imlementing the old plan that was decided before him ,or he is willing to go along for now until he figures out a solution( Waxa uu is leeyahay Lugahan Dhiiqada galay, Marba mid u Saar in ta Aad ka Diyaargaroobayso)


I feel sorry for the leaders because they seem to be hostages of entrenched system run by a well organized group who want to keep this country to remain in chaos.


Finally, how can you train an army that does not even have it's own barracks.


Madaama anaan ku jirin dadkan ciidamada loo samaynayo, iyo kuwa maamulaya toona, Dhaankan meesha uu socdana mar hadaanu garanayn, banaaka ayaan ka joogaynaa.
















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One more thing , police officers are coming from Uganda and Nigeria. For what to capture the theirs in Boondhere. IF you do not have a local police , forget about national army.

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Waxaan maqli jiray, nin buka boqol u talisay.


Waxan oo "interest" group ah bal yaa meel isugu keeni?


Turkey has its own agenda

US/UK have their own agenda

Ethio/Ken have their own agenda

Arabs have their own agenda


And each of the regional administrations have their own agenda.

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Federaalkan laguu sheegayo waa kala-qoqob oo shaal qurxoon loo huwiyay. Go'aannadan waxaa iiga baxay in uusan jirin dal la yiraahdo 'Soomaaliya' balse uu jiro isbahaysi ka kooban dawlad-goboleedyo qabyaalad ku dhisan. Waxaana xigi doontaa in shaalka gibigiisaba la tuuro oo tuulo walbo gooni isugu taagto, maxaa yeelay wax micno oo uu leeyahay ayaaba jirin. Markaas in mid mid Xabashida iyo Keenyatiga u laqi doonaan laabta ku ogaada, xitaa kuwa gobonnimada sheegta ee Waqooyiga jooga.

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Awoowe, Somaliland waa taariikh jirta, soo jirtay, jiri'na doonta. Waana arinka aan kaga soo horjeedo kuwa Somaliland doonaya in Qabiil u kala qoqobaan oo wax lagu sheego Khaatumo iyo Awdal state meelaha la wareegaan. Maha danta umadda Somaliland mana aha danta dadka Awdal ama Sool/Sanaag.


Qabyaaladda maanta waa iska symptom of the current situation. It will die down as Somaliland's living standards improve and people understand the reality that Somaliland is not a clan idea but a nation state that want to bring onboard everyone under a united central government. Obviously, there are short comings and it is a work in progress, but the ultimate goal is a fair, free and just country where everyone is the same before the law and people are grouped not on clans but on "interest" and "ideology".


But what is happening in Koonfurta Somalia is a different story.


In my opinion, it so seems the whole purpose of the FGS is for the 'Powers that Be' use it as a vehicle to dissolve all traces of what once existed as the ex-Italian colony of Somalia into mini clanstans.

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Any Somaliland unionist worth his salt and his dignity can see that as things are in Koonfurta Somalia today, even mentioning the word "Union" let alone advocating for it, is a lost cause.


The few who are masquerading as "Unionists" in Mogadishu are far from a genuine "Unionist". They are shameful opportunists who would in a different world and time would never have come close being called a "Parliamentarian" or "Minister". But they see a roadkill for the taking and they are taking it shamelessly.

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This time you went to far. The so called parliamentarians in Mogadishu are much younger and probably will be more effective than those in Hargeisa who convene once a year. They might have been elected as members of certain party , but today, they do not belong to no one but the green buck party.


How about the "Guurti" who were never even selected for 25 years, yet when they passed away, their son on uncle takes place. Years ago they used to reconcile when communities were in conflict, nowadays, they even abandoned that duty , so if I were you , I would not celebrate much , but would reflect more.


As I said Somaliland is doing better thanks to the people and Mohamed I. Cigaal who established the government institutions which is disappearing as we speak.


You keep talking about how "AWdal and Khaatumo" are opportunists by trying to carve their own territory. Unless you have been living under a cave that is the trend of the Somali politics. As Somali nationalism disappears, tribal nationalism will take it's place . If the so called " Maammulo" do not provide people with basic living standard of putting food on the table, liberty and rule of law, people will seek alternatives to that system. Believe me , these days , it does not even take much to achieve that goal and set up a tribal homeland, as long as you are willing to make a deal with the devil. Just look at Jubba Land .


We have been watching Siilaanyo visiting Berbera which is less 200km and the flying back to Hargeisa and then greeted at the airport by 200 unemployed politicians seeking a favor, and everyone proclaiming " Madacweynihii ayaa soo guryo noqday".


Mr. Suldaanka,


Sidi sididaada mooyaane dhul u dhacaaga hubso. The Somaliland of today is a necessity, and we all believe that it could not accommodate different communities aspirations of economic prosperity or even basic rule of law. The people , who are honorable had decided to keep it together for now, but God knows how long that patience will last. So , do not celebrate but reflect.




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