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Human organs in portable fridge captured in Hargeisa

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It is usual for children to go missing in Hargeisa and this is what happens.


Dhacdo Naxdin Leh Beer iyo Kalyaha Dadka oo Talaagad lagu soo Gurey

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There is something fishy about this whole organ trade business in SL?


who transports human organs this way? is this human organs?

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^Do you believe these are human organs in that camping cooler? :D


This is just the age old boogeyman sensationalist stories. I remember as a child that the boogeyman, usually a Bantu from Southern Somalia or Oromo, will come and snatch you from the streets.


What I see here is just a social manifestation of having too much peace and order. When people no longer fear for their own safety and their community, they tend to create the boogeymen stories just to keep the community alert and induce fear - perhaps the end gain is for social control i.e. kids to not be away from home after it gets dark.


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my thoughts exactly, and I think everyone is on it, including the government.



The whole thing is fishy, Police, journalism, Ministers

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wax la qariibsan karo ma'ahan,nadaamkan hargaysa waxay kaga dhegtay aqoonsi,gaalkii caddaana oo yimaadana wax kalay ka aamisan yihiin


mana awoodaan inay weydiiyaan ajandihiisa iyo waxa socdaalkiisu ku salaysanyahay.


tusaale hadduu anshax xumo sameeyo,waa iska dhoofaa ayagoo dadka u sheega inay musaafuriyeen.


gabar reer yuruba ninkii fara xumeeya ama sharciga ku xad gudba waa xukun dheer.



Hadduu caqiidada hadafkiisu yahayna lalama hadlo,malaha kalyaha iyo beerka ciyaalkana dakhli badan baa kasoo xarooda.


Nolol iyo geeri arsaaqad iyo aqoosi ilaahaybaa bixiya gaal laysuma duleeyo.


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^Do you believe these are human organs in that camping cooler?


This is just the age old boogeyman sensationalist stories. I remember as a child that the boogeyman, usually a Bantu from Southern Somalia or Oromo, will come and snatch you from the streets.


What I see here is just a social manifestation of having too much peace and order. When people no longer fear for their own safety and their community, they tend to create the boogeymen stories just to keep the community alert and induce fear - perhaps the end gain is for social control i.e. kids to not be away from home after it gets dark.

I think there's something more sinister going on. I remember watching the news a while back about a boy retelling how he managed to get away from these organ traders. He said they let him go because his liver wasn't in good shape. I don't know how reliable the report was, but everyone in the neighbourhood was visibly shaken. This was in Hargaysa. Arrin la dhayalsan karo ma aha.

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I keep hearing these sort of stories but unless ay dhagdheer soo laabatay oo beerka iyo kelyaha caruurta ay shaqaaleheedu hargaysa ugasoo ururinayaan, human organs being used for medical transplantation cannot be transported like that.

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suldaan soomaali caqli leh ma noola awowgaa tima cadde yaa ugu dambeeyay.


khilaaf saa u weyn nooma dhaxeeyo ra'yiga un baa noo kale duwan.


Abaaraha kow dheh aqoonsiga la waayay dadka xubnihiiso lala baxo,waxaasoo dhan waa imtixaan aduun


ilaahay waa na jecelyahay. waana na jeclaa markuu muslin naga dhigay.


Nimcaduu na siiyay haddaan ku shukrin lahayna wuu noo siyaadin lahaa siduu quraankiisa ku sheegay subxanuhu wa tacaala


balse taa badelkeeda yaan samaynay,waxaan ka bilownay somali ma nihin, ee somaliland baa nala layidhaa!!


waxaan ku xijinay gaalada aqoonsi ha la weydiisto


waxaan ugu dambaysiinay dhulkeenu waa xaraash waana qiimo jaban.


Ma ninkaasaad leedahay caqli ma leh waxaasoo dhan u muuqdaan?



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