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Somaliland minister begs Farmaajo admin to respect past agreement with HSM

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As many have pointed out it was HSM admin that allowed

the base deal, Somaliland can't sign things by itself since

it is not legally recognized.



FAADEEXAD:-Maxamuud Xaashi oo Qiray in Heshiiska Saldhiga ay Wada Saxeexeen Somaliya

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Lots of folks have been left dumbfounded by the breakneck speed that events are taking place in Somaliland these days. Some are left fishing for words and trying to read between the lines, just in case they may get some sense of what is happening. Sometimes, as in this fella' case, it means taking things out of context and drawing wild conclusions.


As they say, beenaale markhaatigiisa ayu fogeeya. It was that fool, that traitor called Hassan Sheikh so they say. :D



This is the agreement that Minister Hashi is referring to:





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Either way the reason this minister is crying is all past

agreements (including the base) with former HSM

admin will have to be reviewed. The handouts will

be cut once and for all for corrupted Silanyo family.


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We have been hearing that for 26 years of delusions.

Unfortunately all it produced is more proverty, famines,

corruption. mass tahriibs etc.

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