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The thoughts of His Highness Farmaajo

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I glanced at it. From what I see, he did not portray Siyad Barre in positive light contrary to what some people are alleging. I will read in full later.


I did see how characterized some clans including mine. To be honest, he is not that far off. It is unpleasant fact for some but facts are facts.

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Oodweyne's articles have more insight than that paper. Reads more like stories collected from mother internet.

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lol, Facts are facts, some Somali clans had always tendency to work with Somali enemy, and are against unity, and support clan division, this still apparent even from the grand kids of the collonisers collabarators

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If I were the assessor of this thesis I would have given it zero for using the name "Somalia" instead of the official "Somali Republic" in refering to the failed entity. It is also repetitive and lacks proper chronological order of events. On top of that, this piece of garbage screams of anti-Is@q clan and condones their genocide in the hands of his uncle and clan militia. It is indeed amazing how this blood-thirsty tribalist monster claims that he could "talk to" the people of Somaliland about "unity". The word "unity" must be the most abused word in the walawayn vocabulary alongside the now officially meaningless "Soomaalinimo".

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