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Africa Intelligence: Egal writes to Israeli PM Rabin "Your Obedient Servant"

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It is a letter dated in 1995 in Africa Intelligence archive.







Republic of Somaliland

The Presidency

Our Ref: SLR/PO/ISPMI/7/95

Your Ref: …………………..


3 July 1995



His Excellency The Prime Minister

of Israel Mr Yitshak Rabin

Hakirya, Fax No. 972 2 513 950

Jerusalem, Israel.


Your Excellency


"In my capacity as the President of the Republic

of Somaliland, an admirer of the state of Israel

and the courage of its people, please accept my

compliments and my people’s profound felicitations

to you, your Government, President and the people

of Israel for their tenacity, strength and resourcefulness

which had finally constrained its adversaries to make

peace with the State of Israel. I have the honour of

representing the people of Somaliland and its nascent

state in this opportunity for seeking to establish amiable

and strategic links with the State of Israel."






"It is important to note that our two nations have had

strong links since time immemorial. Indicative of such

historical links, stretching well before the advent of Islam

to this date, is the influence of the Hebrew culture in

Somaliland and how Jewish legends and their mystical

powers are widely acknowledged and homage paid to

them. In addition, the people of Somaliland are appreciative

as they have an indelible memory of the fact that Israel was

among the first three countries who recognised Somaliland

after it declared its independence from Britain on 26th June

1960, alas, that independence lasted no more than four days

as Somaliland entered into a voluntary union with the UN

Trust Territory of Somalia on 1st July 1960, in the hope of

creating Greater Somalia."


Exactly, thirty five years later, the dreams of Greater

Somalia are discredited and disavowed. It was under

the union with Somalia that Somaliland found itself a

pathetic captive within a ruthless, destructive and

hostile state. Indeed, it was this union whose culmination

was the tyrannous and repressive regime of the late

Siyad Barre which brought about the enormous suffering,

starvation and destruction in which the world had

witnessed and came to notice, too well, during the

past five years or so. The people of Somaliland have

renounced such a union in May 1991 and reclaimed

their independent sovereign entity, and nothing will

make them reverse the decision to extricate themselves

from the captivity of Somalia.




The vice-president and the Foreign Minister of Somaliland

have, recently, paid an official visit to Eritrea and while there

met H.E. Ariel Kerem, the Ambassador of Israel in Eritrea,

who furnished them with valuable advice and suggested

that I, the President of Somaliland, should write to your

Excellency, as the Prime Minister of Israel, in person,

informing you about Somaliland’s eagerness to establish

an ex parte relationship based on strategic partnership

with the State of Israel and sharing with you about

my government’s concerns and fears vis-a-vis the

alarming menace emanating from the expansion of

Islamic influence in our strategic region.


As I am sure you are aware, at the height of the cold

war Somalia’s strategic geographical location was

acknowledged by both sides (East/West). Today,

however, although the West had won the cold war and

the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in

many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are

being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious

enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence. It

would be true to say that the State of Israel and its people

are, perhaps, more aware and alert of such threats than

most other countries, and know how perilous and

pestilential the spread of Islamic influence would mean

for the entire region.


The political upheavals which have been taking place in

the Horn of Africa and the lack of stability in the region

could be aggravated further if the influence of Islamic

Fundamentalism is not curtailed or contained very

soon. Somaliland’s concern is reinforced by the growing

influence of the Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen,

particularly ever since it had crushed and defeated

the South Yemeni’s courageous attempt to forsake or

renounce its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea

is not interested [in] to act as an Arab satellite, both Sana’

and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum (not to mention how

pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into

the internal affairs of my country), are now directing

their efforts to force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw

its independence with the intention of installing a pro-

Islamic Somali state (under a federal Somalia). This will

most definitely render the control of both the north and

southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes,

with the exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of

Djibouti which has no significance leaving the whole region

to become a bed-rock for Islamic



Your Excellency, my government firmly believes that

owing to this region’s strategic geopolitical importance

as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the

narrow Babul-Mendeb entrance, as well as its proximity

to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian

Ocean, it will be highly deleterious if such a strategic

region falls almost entirely under the dominion of pro-

Islamic regimes. Needless to say that this should be a

portentous eventuality which will in turn adversely affect

the national security of the State of Israel, and that of

other countries in the Horn of Africa who are trying to

recover from years, if not decades, of both man-made

and natural disasters i.e. civil wars, military coups, draughts

and famines, etc.




In addition, since countries in the region are not politically

stable the encroachment of Islamic influence will most

certainly have a destabilising effect. For instance, in

Ethiopia with its various nationalities and particularly

with its large Muslim population, the expansion of pro-

Islamists in the region would act as a tinder-box with

the potential to enflame the entire region.






Although the people of Somaliland are over 98% Muslims,

they are, nevertheless, averse to adopt an antiquated

Islamic Sharia Law as their way of living and governance.

In contrast my government intends to make Somaliland a

beacon of democracy and oasis for stability in this region of

upheavals and turmoil. But this is unlikely to happen in the

present climate, as we are ranged against by strong and

powerful Islamic proxies whose primary aim is to put out

such an illume of hope. A foretaste of what will happen if

dark forces of Islamists will succeed in their pursuit of

bringing in a passé or an out-moded system, could be

seen in Mogadishutoday, where a de facto administration

from a coalition of Islamic proxies and minority tribal

groups headed by not so long ago UN/International fugitive

warlord General Aideed, where Islamic surrogates have

been infringing people’s human rights with impunity;



people are being stoned to death for committing no crime

other than fornication; and limbs are being chopped off for

petty crimes such as mugging and burglary in a barbaric

inhuman and uncivilised manner. My government has, in

lieu of imposing Sharia Law on our people, just completed

the draft of a new secular Constitution which is very liberal

and mundane, for I am conscious that Sharia Law does not

reflect the needs of my people who are aspiring to become

a modern society.



Pro-Islamists are hell bent on spreading their influence

& version of Islam in the region, and are exploiting

the plight of the people of Somaliland. Islamists are the

kind of people inspired by a boundless hate who could

even exculpate and excuse the crimes of the Holocaust.

They have scant regard of the dire needs of the Somali

people. All they are interested in is to have their way and

are pouring arms and funds to set-up a pro-Islamic regime

in our country and establish more Islamic proxies throughout

the region. Their modus operandi is to take advantage of

people’s predicament and impose unsuitable Islamic regimes

upon and unsuspecting people. Somalila nd is doing all it can

to be a bulwark against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism

and sees this as an international issue, thus would appreciate

it if your Excellency would use your good offices & enormous

influence in the West, particularly in the US, to alert them about the portentous/ominous situation developing in this region, so

that they would not remain hapless on-lookers while their

national/international interests are being threatened.






I am absolutely certain that those Arab countries noted above,

as well as Iran, will whip-up Islamic/Arab passion against

Somaliland establishing amiable & strategic partnership

with the State of Israel and thus could use this as a pretext to

exacerbate our situation further both inside and outside

Somaliland. However, those countries need to know that

my government is not playing with empty emotions, as

they often do, but playing pragmatism and real politick for

the best interest of its people and country. The people of

Somaliland have a daunting and onerous task to overcome

their Islamist adversaries and contain the encroachment

of Islamic influence, considering their strength, however, we

are like David facing Goliath, but then there were an

overwhelming odds against Israel when it defeated Arabs

in three major wars. In order to surmount such an onerous

task my government needs the support and assistance of

the State of Israel, not only to defend our nascent state

from the menace of pro-Islamist dark forces, but also

in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of

this devastated country.




Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel



"In this regard my government has a number

of priority areas where your Excellency’s assistance is

pivotal to the people of Somaliland, among these are:

First, military equipment and counter insurgency experts.

Second, conducting plebiscite on the issue of

independence at the end of next year 1996 or early 1997.

Third, relief and rehabilitation aid as well as development

advisers, petroleum and mineral exploitation expertise.

The people of Somaliland have full confidence in their

government and are absolutely behind me in this historic

decision of establishing strategic partnership with the state

of Israel and I am determined to see it come into fruition."



I have the honour to remain,

Your Obedient Servant


Mohamed Ibrahim Egal


Republic of Somaliland

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"In my capacity as the President of the Republic

of Somaliland, an admirer of the state of Israel

and the courage of its people, please accept my

compliments and my people’s profound felicitations

to you, your Government, President and the people

of Israel for their tenacity, strength and resourcefulness

which had finally constrained its adversaries to make

peace with the State of Israel. I have the honour of

representing the people of Somaliland and its nascent

state in this opportunity for seeking to establish amiable

and strategic links with the State of Israel."






"It is important to note that our two nations have had

strong links since time immemorial. Indicative of such

historical links, stretching well before the advent of Islam

to this date, is the influence of the Hebrew culture in

Somaliland and how Jewish legends and their mystical

powers are widely acknowledged and homage paid to

them. In addition, the people of Somaliland are appreciative

as they have an indelible memory of the fact that Israel was

among the first three countries who recognised Somaliland

after it declared its independence from Britain on 26th June

1960, alas, that independence lasted no more than four days

as Somaliland entered into a voluntary union with the UN

Trust Territory of Somalia on 1st July 1960, in the hope of

creating Greater Somalia."

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Exactly, thirty five years later, the dreams of Greater

Somalia are discredited and disavowed. It was under

the union with Somalia that Somaliland found itself a

pathetic captive within a ruthless, destructive and

hostile state. Indeed, it was this union whose culmination

was the tyrannous and repressive regime of the late

Siyad Barre which brought about the enormous suffering,

starvation and destruction in which the world had

witnessed and came to notice, too well, during the

past five years or so. The people of Somaliland have

renounced such a union in May 1991 and reclaimed

their independent sovereign entity, and nothing will

make them reverse the decision to extricate themselves

from the captivity of Somalia.




The vice-president and the Foreign Minister of Somaliland

have, recently, paid an official visit to Eritrea and while there

met H.E. Ariel Kerem, the Ambassador of Israel in Eritrea,

who furnished them with valuable advice and suggested

that I, the President of Somaliland, should write to your

Excellency, as the Prime Minister of Israel, in person,

informing you about Somaliland’s eagerness to establish

an ex parte relationship based on strategic partnership

with the State of Israel and sharing with you about

my government’s concerns and fears vis-a-vis the

alarming menace emanating from the expansion of

Islamic influence in our strategic region.

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As I am sure you are aware, at the height of the cold

war Somalia’s strategic geographical location was

acknowledged by both sides (East/West). Today,

however, although the West had won the cold war and

the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in

many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are

being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious

enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence. It

would be true to say that the State of Israel and its people

are, perhaps, more aware and alert of such threats than

most other countries, and know how perilous and pestilential

the spread of Islamic influence would mean for the entire



The political upheavals which have been taking place in

the Horn of Africa and the lack of stability in the region

could be aggravated further if the influence of Islamic

Fundamentalism is not curtailed or contained very

soon. Somaliland’s concern is reinforced by the growing

influence of the Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen,

particularly ever since it had crushed and defeated

the South Yemeni’s courageous attempt to forsake or

renounce its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea

is not interested [in] to act as an Arab satellite, both Sana’

and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum (not to mention how

pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into

the internal affairs of my country), are now directing

their efforts to force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw

its independence with the intention of installing a pro-

Islamic Somali state (under a federal Somalia). This will

most definitely render the control of both the north and

southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes,

with the exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of

Djibouti which has no significance leaving the whole region

to become a bed-rock for Islamic



Your Excellency, my government firmly believes that

owing to this region’s strategic geopolitical importance

as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the

narrow Babul-Mendeb entrance, as well as its proximity

to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian

Ocean, it will be highly deleterious if such a strategic

region falls almost entirely under the dominion of pro-

Islamic regimes. Needless to say that this should be a

portentous eventuality which will in turn adversely affect

the national security of the State of Israel, and that of

other countries in the Horn of Africa who are trying to

recover from years, if not decades, of both man-made

and natural disasters i.e. civil wars, military coups, draughts

and famines, etc.




In addition, since countries in the region are not politically

stable the encroachment of Islamic influence will most

certainly have a destabilising effect. For instance, in

Ethiopia with its various nationalities and particularly

with its large Muslim population, the expansion of pro-

Islamists in the region would act as a tinder-box with

the potential to enflame the entire region.






Although the people of Somaliland are over 98% Muslims,

they are, nevertheless, averse to adopt an antiquated

Islamic Sharia Law as their way of living and governance.

In contrast my government intends to make Somaliland a

beacon of democracy and oasis for stability in this region of

upheavals and turmoil. But this is unlikely to happen in the

present climate, as we are ranged against by strong and

powerful Islamic proxies whose primary aim is to put out

such an illume of hope. A foretaste of what will happen if

dark forces of Islamists will succeed in their pursuit of

bringing in a passé or an out-moded system, could be

seen in Mogadishutoday, where a de facto administration

from a coalition of Islamic proxies and minority tribal

groups headed by not so long ago UN/International fugitive

warlord General Aideed, where Islamic surrogates have

been infringing people’s human rights with impunity;



people are being stoned to death for committing no crime

other than fornication; and limbs are being chopped off for

petty crimes such as mugging and burglary in a barbaric

inhuman and uncivilised manner. My government has, in

lieu of imposing Sharia Law on our people, just completed

the draft of a new secular Constitution which is very liberal

and mundane, for I am conscious that Sharia Law does not

reflect the needs of my people who are aspiring to become

a modern society.

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Pro-Islamists are hell bent on spreading their influence

& version of Islam in the region, and are exploiting

the plight of the people of Somaliland. Islamists are the

kind of people inspired by a boundless hate who could

even exculpate and excuse the crimes of the Holocaust.

They have scant regard of the dire needs of the Somali

people. All they are interested in is to have their way and

are pouring arms and funds to set-up a pro-Islamic regime

in our country and establish more Islamic proxies throughout

the region. Their modus operandi is to take advantage of

people’s predicament and impose unsuitable Islamic regimes

upon and unsuspecting people. Somalila nd is doing all it can

to be a bulwark against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism

and sees this as an international issue, thus would appreciate

it if your Excellency would use your good offices & enormous

influence in the West, particularly in the US, to alert them about the portentous/ominous situation developing in this region, so

that they would not remain hapless on-lookers while their

national/international interests are being threatened.






I am absolutely certain that those Arab countries noted above,

as well as Iran, will whip-up Islamic/Arab passion against

Somaliland establishing amiable & strategic partnership

with the State of Israel and thus could use this as a pretext to

exacerbate our situation further both inside and outside

Somaliland. However, those countries need to know that

my government is not playing with empty emotions, as

they often do, but playing pragmatism and real politick for

the best interest of its people and country. The people of

Somaliland have a daunting and onerous task to overcome

their Islamist adversaries and contain the encroachment

of Islamic influence, considering their strength, however, we

are like David facing Goliath, but then there were an

overwhelming odds against Israel when it defeated Arabs

in three major wars. In order to surmount such an onerous

task my government needs the support and assistance of

the State of Israel, not only to defend our nascent state

from the menace of pro-Islamist dark forces, but also

in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of

this devastated country.




Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel



"In this regard my government has a number

of priority areas where your Excellency’s assistance is

pivotal to the people of Somaliland, among these are:

First, military equipment and counter insurgency experts.

Second, conducting plebiscite on the issue of

independence at the end of next year 1996 or early 1997.

Third, relief and rehabilitation aid as well as development

advisers, petroleum and mineral exploitation expertise.

The people of Somaliland have full confidence in their

government and are absolutely behind me in this historic

decision of establishing strategic partnership with the state

of Israel and I am determined to see it come into fruition."



I have the honour to remain,

Your Obedient Servant


Mohamed Ibrahim Egal


Republic of Somaliland

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