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Trump insults Somalis

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Holac, do not worry about this reality TV president. He will be weak and under constant investigation, or he will put his foot in his mouth.


Sommalidu yaanay ka welwelin wadanku sharci buu leeyahay qof u horeeya ee uu qabanayo waa Trump.

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Somalis should not worry about Trump. This is not a nation of men but a nation of laws. It is also important no to exaggerate or take literally what politician Trump said during the campaign. He may have singled out Somalis in Minnesota , but that was part of his fear mongering campaign. Somalis should not join the bandwagon and feel victim. follow the rules and play by the rules and nothing bad will happen to you.


All of his cabinets picks have contradicted his campaign stance on Russia, waterboarding , torture and NATO. The Republican realists have taken over his government. They know he is a man-child that must be supervised.


Finally the investigations of TRump are ready. Here is what the Washington post wrote:


“The investigators of Russian meddling, whether a Congressional select committee or an independent commission, should have bipartisan balance, full subpoena authority, no time limit and a commitment to make public as much as possible of what they find.”


It further says, Trump


“should recognize,” writes the Post, “that the credibility of his denials of any Russian connections is undermined by his refusal to release tax returns and business records"


Well, get the pop corn and watch another reality show by Trump.


The Kenyan in chief probably also undermined the Clinton presidency when he appointed a Republican director of FBI. With all the headache the republicans gave him for all those years, he picked one of them to oversee the most important law enforcement agency in America. Mr. James Comey received the Trump dossier already in September, but decided to sit on it, yet eleven days before the election he informed the congress about the old news of the Clinton email.


This democrats are weak minded people who will never learn any thing from history. It was a republican special persecutor, Kenneth Star who headed the Clinton impeachment of 1998.

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Galbeedi, this was a republican year saaxib. The democrats wanted 12 or 16 years, but in American politics, that doesn't happen that easy. The fact that Hillary was running also complicated any third term for the democrats.


I still believe nothing would have changed the final result even if Comey didn't act so disgracefully.

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