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Incompetent "government" of Somaliland results in people dying of thirst

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A few months ago the governor of Togdheer known as

"Qabo" a Kulmiye official was bragging about driving

and owning a car worth $100,000 while the average

family in rural Somaliland lacks clean water.What is

more telling is the community affected most by the

drought is the constituency of Silanyo (Garadag,

Huluul etc). He doesn't care about his own immediate

community but his own belly, he is very selfish. Yet those

very poor voted for him because of blind clan support

thinking he will do something for them, 7 years later and

not a single water well in the area.






DAAWO Xaalada Murugada Leh ee Abaarta

Ka Jirta Deegaanka Huluul Fadhigaab​ , Gumbur Dhooble

iyo Goradhgo oo Meel Xun maraysa + Dhimashada Hal

Ruux oo Haraad u geeriyooday iyo Boqolaal Qoys oo Xoolihii

Markii ay ka Dhamaadeen Nafta Kula Soo Eertay Goobaha

Ceelashu Ka Dhow yihiin .


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