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Now Siilanyo's wife is also under investigation from the UK for money laundering

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Wardeg deg ah Amina Waris oo looga yeedhay dalka Ingriiska dhuumashana ku joogta magaalada London iyo waxyaabaha loo haysto



London,(Qaran-news) Marwada madaxweynaha Somaliland Amina Waris ayaa labadii cisho ee ina soo dhaafayba si dhuumaalaysi ah ugu sugnayd dalka Ingriisika gaar ahaan magaalada London, iyada oo si qarsoodi ah doraad uga soo kicitintay magaalada Hargeysa ee caasimada Somaliland.


Hadaba laba war oo is khilaafsan oo midba ka kale ka daranyahay ayaa ka soo baxaaya socdaalka dhuumashada ah ee Amina Waris, war ayaa sheegaaya in Amina Waris ay u yeedhay dawalada Ingriisika oo ka mid ah dalalka aadka u caawiya Somaliland isla markaasina xalada dalka iyo cida gacanta ku haysaba aad ula socta, taasi oo ay wararku sheegayaan in arimo xaasaasi ah lagala hadlaayo marwada oo ah shaqsiga ugu awooda badan dalka Somaliland islamarkaasina ay awooda dalku gacanta ugu jirto.


War kale oo aanu helayno ayaa sheegaaya in Amina Waris loo haysto lacag xad dhaaf ah oo ay dalka Ingriiska soo gashatay, taasi oo hore lacgtaasi loogu qabsaday wasiirka madaxtooyada xiligii uu dalka Ingriiska maraayay bishii hore, waxna jirtay lacag sanad ka hor ay dawlada Kuwait siisay madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo lacagtaasi badanikeeda uu wasiirka madaxtooyadu u soo qaaday dalka Ingriiska, ma jiro war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay xaga Somaliland oo ku saabsan socdaalka dhuumashada ah ee Amina Waris ee aan cidiba ogayn, mar aanu isku daynayn in aanu la xidhiidhno oo aanu arimahani wax ka waydiino Amina Waris way noo suurto gali wayday, hase ahaatee ilo ku dhow dhow Amina Waris ayaa sheegay in ay ilaa shalay ku mashquulsanayd arimo qareeno iyo guclayn.


La soco waxii ka soo kordha socdaalka marwada madaxweynaha ee dhuumashada ah

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She was the one who hand picked Muuse Biixi. I think the British government is guilty by facilitating the looting of the foreign aid given to Somaliland . Rather than build roads , water reservoirs and medical clinics , most of the money donated by the gulf ended up in London.


The British government must convince the wife of president Siilaanyo to quit interfering the election and the foreign aid in Somaliland. If I were the opposition, I would have hired a lawyer to dig deep and find out about the million dollar houses in London and Dubai.


Dadkani ma dhergayaan miyaa?.

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Good question Galbeedi. I have said before they have

unsatisfiable appetite. What is more sad is Somaliland is

suffering from drought to drought year by year with no

planning for the future, the little income of Sland has

been stolen by Silanyo and Co and built it with houses in

Dubai. Did you knew $1 million could have built 100 homes

for those wandering drought stricken nomads.Sooner or

later Somalilanders will have to abandon nomadism ,

it is unrealistic in a dry region. They should switch to

fishing and farming.

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Every nation deserves its leaders. The organised corruption free societies have visionary leaders to serve their people and Somaliland has suitable leaders/gang masters in the form of theives, fraudsters, and idiots which are right for a shortsighted, ignorant, clanish folks. Only when the common man and woman on tne streets change their values and behaviour will Somaliland get better leaders.

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Every nation deserves its leaders. The organised corruption free societies have visionary leaders to serve their people and Somaliland has suitable leaders/gang masters in the form of theives, fraudsters, and idiots which are right for a shortsighted, ignorant, clanish folks. Only when the common man and woman on tne streets change their values and behaviour will Somaliland get better leaders.


That is the point Somalis are missing today, where ever they are these leaders are fair reflection of the society.


The day when average guys stop adoring theses THUGS (NIN CADKIISA SOO DHACSANKARA), is the day when we may see clean politicians.


Waxaysan is waydiin, cadkan baas ee Waraabaha loo dirsaday, cida laga dhacsanayo iyo, cida loo dhicinayo waa tuma.

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That is the point Somalis are missing today, where ever they are these leaders are fair reflection of the society.


The day when average guys stop adoring theses THUGS (NIN CADKIISA SOO DHACSANKARA), is the day when we may see clean politicians.


Waxaysan is waydiin, cadkan baas ee Waraabaha loo dirsaday, cida laga dhacsanayo iyo, cida loo dhicinayo waa tuma.

Basically "cadka waraabaha loo dirsaday" is the meagre donations given to the starving Somalis by the wealthier nations of the world. However, the irony is "cadka waraabuhu soo dhiciyay" is completely devoured by the "waraabe" who is meant to share it with the ignorant clansmen. And the sad part of this irony is- no one seems to complain about the waraabe's greed and injustice.

If all the ignorant masses instead sent good representatives to get their share of the "hilib", the greedy waraabe would go hungry and the often hungry masses would get at least some "hilib" however small it may be. That is because the meagre resources would be equitably divided by the righteous representatives and in the process earn Allah's blessings.

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It is because when people are blinded by tribalism, that they can't realise they are all victims , even those protecting them and following them with blind faith.


DHibanaha dhacan oo aan is ogeeyn!! waxaan xusuusta reporta aan ka Akhriyey, noocyada corruption ka, from UN, ka ugu xumi, waa when corruption becomes systemic, and unrecognisable, the norm, Kuwa dhacani aynaba gareeyn waxan lagu sameeynaayo in uu yahay musuqmaasaq, iyagoo dhacan iska dhoola cadeeynayaan.


Askari biilkiisa la qaatey, dhakhtarka xaaskiisa ku dhalilaheeyd qalabkiisii la dhacay, Schoolka caruurtiisa tegi lahayd la dhacay, Biyaha xafadiisa la gelin lahaa la xadey, isna Coca Cola la cabi kuwa dhacay,,oo la qosli difaaci,adeerkiis Waraabe, ogeeyn in dhibane yahay, Alla soomali ku badanaa!!

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