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Ethiopia forces crimes in Zone 5 in 2016-2015

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Liyuu Police and the Ethiopian troops keep targeting HAG and

Gashaamo communities. It is time to stand up to them. Back

in February they killed 300 HAG civilians in Shilabo and now

they also killed over 50 civilians in Gashamo district in June

2016. Also in late 2015 they attacked the border areas of Haud

and Hiiraan , they killed many people in that attack. This is

unacceptable, I advise the diaspora from those communities

to apply diplomatic pressure and to file war crimes against

Ethiopia and its proxy death squad (Liyuu Police). Liyuu Police

must be disbanded ASAP.






On 5 June 2016, the Ethiopian army swept through Jama’ Dubad, a village near Gashamo, indiscriminately opened fire on unarmed civilians and in the ensuing bloodbath killed 51 people, among them women and children. The Ethiopian forces then torched the village and razed it to the ground. While some of the villagers managed to escape the carnage, the Ethiopian army abducted more than ten village elders. Their whereabouts are unknown.


Sadly, the most recent attack is but part of a seemingly wider strategy of the Ethiopian central government to terrorize and instil fear among the population living along the country’s borders with Somalia and Kenya. Numerous attacks similar to the most recent one have been perpetrated by the Ethiopian army over the last couple of months. For instance, Ethiopian forces together with the infamous Liyu Police, a proxy militia, had destroyed the village of Lababar in February 2016, killing more than 300 civilians.


The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) joins the ONLF in strongly condemning the actions of the Ethiopian army and calling upon the international community to hold the Ethiopian Government accountable for these actions, demand that such repressions are halted and take Ethiopia’s poor human rights record into account when engaging in trade or other exchanges with its authorities.

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100% agree that Liyu is a criminal enterprise. Why are they always targeting these communities? The families of the deceased must go after Illey and his cohorts. It is time to put an end to this group.




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