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War criminal Silanyo made to sit in the back row

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But, ofcourse, Silanyo would be seated with the delegation from Somalia led by Mudane Culusow.


Why would you think otherwise?

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I am shocked that Djibouti disrespected the legitimate leaders from Somalia by seating a fraudster amongst them. Mr Siilaanyo's term as president ended ages ago and should not be invited to participate any gathering anywhere to represent the people of Somaliland.

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Tillamook This is back in 2012 Silanyo seating among

world presidents in Meles Zenawi official celebration.

It is simple Djibouti does not respect Somaliland.



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Saalax I don't understand why Somaliland needs to have any relationship with the Djibouti dictatorship. Djibouti is of no use to Somaliland as we don't trade with them. Indeed they are our bitter rivals when it comes to handling Ethiopia's maritime trade through our Berbera port. They are desperate to kill off Berbera's modernisation so that the Ethiopians continue to depend on them. I hope whoever wins the election and forms the next government pays zero attention to the clinically obese man in that French mercenary boot camp.

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Tallaabo The problem is we have economic infiltration from

business men that have their headquarters in Djibouti like ina

Aw Saeed who finances Muuse Biixi, when you have Djiboutian

businessmen have huge control over Sland politicians then that

is when trouble will come. Egal use to ignore Djibouti altogether.

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Qof kasta wuu garanayaa inuu meeshii saxda ahyd fariistay, waxaa ka fool xumayd asagoo kuraasta hore la fariisiyo aragtidayda.


Siilaanyo waa nin waayo badan soo joogay, laga yaabee inuu asagu codsaday in kurisga loo ag dhigo walaalihiis punland iyo galmudug,,,,,,si kastaba


Adigioo riyo wanaagsan riyoonaya haddii qof hurdada kaa kiciyo ama ku toosiyo, dhib ma leh haddaad u sheegto inuu riyo fiican kaa toosiyay waa iska riyo wax kasoo qaad ma leh


haday riyadu xumayd ama aysan wanaagsanayna waa loo duceeyaa khayr allaha ku siiyaa la yiraa dhib ma leh haddaaad u sheegto laga yaabee in wadnahaagu aad u shaqaynayay oo buur kasii dhacaysay.


Balse waxaan marnaba suurto gal noqon Karin, markii hurdada lagaa kiciyo ka dib, inaad riyaddii siiwadato adoo soo jeeda.


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