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Somaliland says it invited Faroole and Sheekh Shariif to Hargeisa.

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Gheele the reason sharif and Faroole are allowed to visit its because they hold no power or position in Somalia any more so its Halaal. leaders of Somaliland cannot visit Somalia under any circumstances, that's not allowed maybe if SL and Somalia ever restore relations which I doubt will happen any time soon.


no doubt that the security of Mogadishu has significantly improved from daily bombings to just an opportunistic bombings. Mogadishu is at war with terrorist just like major Capital cities like istanbul Moscow Paris development countries are facing today . Terrorist only chance in Mogadishu suicide bombing by taking once own life hard to prevent ,



Ciidamada ammaanka oo saaka Muqdisho ku qabtay gaari walxaha qarxa lagu soo raray

by A M | Tuesday, May 10, 2016 | 3785 views



May 10 (Jowhar)— Ciidamada ammaanka ayaa saaka oo Talaado ah ku qabtay agagaarka Isgoyska Sayidka gaari walxaha qarxa lagu soo raray, maalin kadib markii qarax xoogan lagu weeraray Xarun ay leeyihiin Ciidamada Nabadgalyada wadooyinka ee Taraafiko.


Saraakiisha laamaha ammaanka ayaa sheegay in gaarigan ay ku raad-joogeen, ayna hayeen xogtiisa, waxaana saaka la xiray qeyb ka mid ah wadada Maka Al-Mukarama, si ay saraakiisha miino baarista ay u kala fur furaan gaariga qaraxa saarnaa.


Lama sheegin cid loo qabtay gaarigaas, hase ahaatee goob joogayaal ayaa sheegay in la dhigay meel ku dhow goob ciidamada booliska ku leeyihiin bar koontarool.


Maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa waxaa isa soo tarayay gaadiidka waxyaabaha qarxa sida ee ay ciidamada ammaanka gacanta ku dhigayeen, iyadoo saraakiisha ay sheegeen in la doonayo in shacabka lagu dhibaateeyo.


Maalintii shalay ayay aheyd markii illaa lix ruux ay ku geeriyootay qarax ismiidaamin ah oo lagu qaaday xarunta Ciidanka Taraafikada, waxaana qaraxaas sheegatay inay ka dambeysay kooxda Al-Shabaab.




Somalia receives airspace control equipment after 25 years



UN official: Somalia is no longer a failed state



"The country in the past two-three years has come together quite significantly. It is both politically stable and developed as well," he said.



Mogadishu, #Somalia: Africa’s fastest growing economic City

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clan project Sl is total failure.

Not according to those who neither get blown to bits every time they visit the shops nor run over by an African armoured vehicle when ever they attempt to cross the road.

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