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Che -Guevara

Shabelle River Is Now Dry

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Che the emptying of Shabeele's water has nothing to do with Ethiopia. Both Jubba and Shabeele start in the OG land in Ethiopia's zone 5 and the diversion of the river's water for irrigation is carried out by the administration in the region. If the people of Goday use the river for irrigation is it not their right to do so? I sympathise with the HAG in Southern Somalia that their Shabeele will no longer be a river but a seasonal doox like the one in Hargeisa. The OGs on the other hand will have enormous economic benefits from the dams, canals, and commercial farms they are building. I think the Hags should start preparing for a life without lush green farms and a flowing river. The poor families who depended on Shabeele should be given alternative livelihoods.

As for the Jubba, I think the Ogs will not divert or empty that river because it passes through their territories in Jubbaland.

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Tallaabo, I know where the rivers start, but nothing gets done in Ethiopia with the blessing of the TPLF. Also, I am skeptical about reer Somali galbeed benefiting from this as Ethiopia "rents" greener pastures to corporations and wealthier nations.


Nations that share rivers and seas cannot arbitrarily draw borders or dammed waters. Things must be done within a legal framework that benefits both nations, of course I understand Somalia is not position to negotiate or take any actions.

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Ma'ahan markii ugu horaysay oo sidaa noqdo webiga shabeele, anaa geel ka gudbiyay dhawr iyo sodon sano ka hor.


Soomali galbeedna yaanyo lagama beeri jirin badankeeda waxy u badnaayeen xoolo dhaqato


Ninkaan odogaa wuxuu la yimid inuu dadkii geelii dhaafiyo oo lugaha dhoobo u geliyo, biyihiina waa leexsaday waxuu soo saarana amxaaruu ku quudiyaa waayo ayagaa maal gashaday.


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