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President Abdiweli is greeted by best Armed Forces in Somalia. Ready to defend.

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Boosaaso is booming with different opportunities niyoow and it needs a strong force to keep the peace, onshore and offshore. President visited the bases of some of the forces that are the pride of Puntland. Good work. Great discipline.



























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Mooge, this is not a regional police. It is an army. Maxaa loo qaramayn laayahay?.

Kuwa Galmudug, Puntland, Juba iyo meelah akeleba hadii la isku daro ciidan qaran ayey noqon karaan.


It seems this regions are becoming separate countries with their own armies

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For four years we did not hear anyone even raise the possibility of national army. There are so many issues waiting for the next leader.


National army should the most pressing issue, but first Culusow has to go.

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For four years we did not hear anyone even raise the possibility of national army. There are so many issues waiting for the next leader.


National army should the most pressing issue, but first Culusow has to go.



A committee has been set up To integrate Somali arm force across the country a year ago and are showing tremendous progress ..


Madaxweynaha oo 1500 oo askari tababar uxiray, kuwaasoo ah qeybta Ciidanka isku dhaafka saldhigga 43-aad ee ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya


recruitment from every state To Provide 3000 to 5000 Soldiers for the National Armforce




Wasiirka-gaashaandhiga soomaaliya-oo la-kulmay gudiga isku dhafka ciidanka-xooga dalka





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Bossaso is a dusty little tuloo. Little kids with uniforms and a few donated boats. I don't see anything significant here. Piracy is still an issue in bari what's the point of talking nonsense if you can't deliver.


The same so called army that gets chased out of every little village Somaliland army comes to.


As for a unified Somalia army. Good luck with that. In order to esbalish a unified army you need to first be sincere about the shared objective. Somalia in Somalia have no shared objective. Secondly trust for the authority that the army is going to go to. Again no one trusts the government. Thirdly you need a process of paying, supplying and maintaining the army. Somalia so called cabinet has not been paid in 7 months what makes you think they can pay an army???


Stuff and nonsense for 23 years and still nonsense

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Puntland waxaa la taraartay dawlad gobeleedkii ugu faca weynaa soomaaliya nin aqoontiisu saa’id tahayna waa hogaamiyaa ama si kale haddii loo dhigo aan si sahlan looga hoos bixi karin.


Runtii wax weyn bay ka bedeli karaan hab dhaqanka wareersan ee soomaaliya haday helaan hogaan daacada oo geesinimo leh balse rag iska celin baa rag kala reebtay.

Boowe qoslaaye wuxuu samaynayo sow ma’aragtid waxba soo kordhin mayso


1- Is dhexgalku ciidanku waa ka kow, meeshii ciidan somaaliyeed oo isku dhafan joogaan ,muwaadin kastaa -xaqiisu waa ku dhan yahay. ( ama haka taliyo ama haku noolaado.)


2- Midaynta xuduud gobeleedka ayadoo hayb qabiil lag fogaanayo


3- Wada shaqaynta arimaha gudaha iyo dibadda kala dambayntuna aysan ceeb noqon

Shacabka intiisa kale waxba kama dhexeeyaan telefishanka un bay ka fiirsadaan madaxweyne yaashoodii oo kala carooday sababta markii la weydiiyay goob joogayaashii fadhi ku dirir baa soo dhex galay, weli wax jawaaba lama hayo

Talo wadaag waa tayo ku nool haddii la helo.


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Ciidan la isku dhafey wax tari maayo haddii aan beelaha la heshiisiin, jajuubka lagu noolyaheyna laga bixin. What good would a united army do if they will readily splinter into clan militias at the smallest clan dispute, or if foreigners dictate to us what to do?


Beelaha waxaa un la heshiisiin karaa markii caddaalad la helo. Caddaaladna waxaa un lagu heli karaa kitaabka Ilaahey oo si daacad ah loogu dhaqmo.

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Ciidan la isku dhafey wax tari maayo haddii aan beelaha la heshiisiin, jajuubka lagu noolyaheyna laga bixin. What good would a united army do if they will readily splinter into clan militias at the smallest clan dispute, or if foreigners dictate to us what to do?


Beelaha waxaa un la heshiisiin karaa markii caddaalad la helo. Caddaaladna waxaa un lagu heli karaa
kitaabka Ilaahey oo si daacad ah loogu dhaqmo


Proof ???


show me any where kitaabka looga daqmay ay cadalad keentay ?










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(1) what's the point of talking nonsense if you can't deliver?


What's the point of SL talking nonsense if they haven't delivered independence for over 20 years.



said:</cite> (2) Stuff and nonsense for 23 years and still nonsense?


Somaliland is still a nonsense state in Somalia blabbing stuff and not being heard. 23 years and counting...


Look at your BS hypocrisy. Don't talk shit when you are shit.

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