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DNO tries to bribe central Sanaag community with projects

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After the 2014 incident where they were kicked out with the barrel of the gun.

Reer Awdal should take some notes. No oil foreign company can work in our areas

without contributing to our lands.









Daawo: Xildhibaan Askar Oo Dhagaxdhigay Laba Ceel Oo Laga Hirgalinayo Celef weyn Iyo DararWeyne.




"Ceelashaas oo qayb ka ah mashaariicda horumarineed ee ay maal-gelinayso shirkadda sahaminta shidaalka ee lagu magacaabo DNO, taas oo Dawladda Soomaaliland kula jirta heshiis ku saabsan sahaminta shidaalka ee deegaamada Ceel-afweyn, Darar-weyne iyo Xudun"


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