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No welcome for war criminal Muuse Biixi in New Hargeisa

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Apparently Musa Bixi aka Mr Ano wax dili kara duco qadan mayo is not accepted in

large parts of Hargeisa specially East Hargeisa and South Hargeisa.



Muuse Biixi Oo Bariga Hargeysa Waji Gabax Kala Kulmay





Hargeysa()-Waftigii uu hogaaminaayey Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo goor dhawayd kusoo guryo noqday Caasimada Hargeysa ayaa sanqadh la’aan kusoo galay magaalada hargeysa kadib markii soo dhawyntooda ay ku kaliyeysteen Suldaan Saleebaan oo loo yaqaan Habaar iyo tobaneeyo haween ah oo uu usoo kiraystay inay sacab iyo durbaan u tumaan isaga

Arintan ayaa dhalisay waji gabax balaadhan oo ay waftigani kala kulmeen dadweynaha deegaanka oo dhabarka usii jeediyey iyadoo habayaraatee aanay jirin xitaa cid usoo joogsatay waftiga in ku dhaw rubuc saac hor taagnaa kaalinta shidaalka ee Shiraaqle


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Somaliland needs to retire SNM/Barre era leaders. They have taken Somaliland as far as they can. New blood is needed, one that will develop the region instead of just being obsessed recognition.

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That might be just wishful thinking, but at the end bitter than worm-wood. just look at Gaas in Puntland.


Still, i was hoping Jamal and A/Rashid would have stood a better chance in assuming the leadership, but that now looks improbable if the mad dog has a say in the matter.


As the old saying goes "Layli aan la hubin, Hayin la liiqaa ka haboon".


All in all, I am on the fence.

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Somaliland needs to retire SNM/Barre era leaders. They have taken Somaliland as far as they can. New blood is needed, one that will develop the region instead of just being obsessed recognition.



I agree. Muusa Bixi is even worse than Silanyo he has no educational background

at all and didn't even finish high school.

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That might be just wishful thinking, but at the end bitter than worm-wood. just look at Gaas in Puntland.


Still, i was hoping Jamal and A/Rashid would have stood a better chance in assuming the leadership, but that now looks improbable if the mad dog has a say in the matter.


As the old saying goes "Layli aan la hubin, Hayin la liiqaa ka haboon".


All in all, I am on the fence.


I, too, would have liked Jamal& Co. to step upto the limelight and bring to an end the senility that runs amok in the north. Unfortunately though, these younger guys haven't grasped the intricacies of Somali politics, yet.

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A Jamal Ali Hussien presidency would have been a breath of fresh air for

Somaliland. He was a very accomplished millionaire before he even came to

Somaliland and was the CEO of Citi Bank Tanzania. Unfortunately though

it is about voting numbers and Jamal lacks that, WADANI party due to its

landheer status is the closest to defeat the Kulmiye regime. My advice

for the opposition would be to strengthen the party with the biggest

support base, that way they can put Silanyo and his party in the trash

for good.

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Wow Salax, how many years have we gone back? what is this rubbish about laandheere you are speaking of? with that mindset, Wadani will be no different from Kulmiye as Kulmiye proved no different, but worse in some estimates than Udub. A cycle with no ending in sight. not smart politics if you ask me. i hope that was a joke.

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I am realistic, Somaliland still has long way to evolve. In a ideal democracy

Jamal would have properly won. Somalilanders unlike southerners don't deny there

is problems, that is the difference between the two sides.


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said:</cite> Somalilanders unlike southerners don't deny there is problems, that is the difference between the two sides.

Really? good luck with that.

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