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Former minister Xirsi Xaaji Ali blocked from entering his own region

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WAR DEG-DEG AH:-EX wasiir Xirsi X.cali iyo Wafti uu horkacayay Oo loo diiday Inay ka qayb galaan Xidhitaanka Shirkii ka socday Deegaanka caynaba




Hargeysa(ramaas)January-09-2015- waftigan uu hogaaminayay wasiirkii Hore ee wasaarada madaxtooyada Somaliland Xirsi cali Xaaji Xasan isla markaana ay ka mid ahaayeen Xildhibaano ka tirsan Golaha deegaanka degmada Bariga Burco ayaa maanta laga Horjoogsaday inay ka qayb galaan Shirkii Uga socday beesha deegaanka Caynabo ee magaalada Caynaba ee Xarunta Gobolka Saraar. Waxaan waftidan markii ay gaadheen istabta laga gallo magaalada caynaba ay ciidamada Booliska ee Istabtaasi ay u diiday waftidan inay galaan magaalada isla markaana ay Qabaan Amar kaga yimi Hogaankooda sare.

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Hehehe... looks like Xirsi is on the hunt for the support of the degmooyin, so as to remain relevant in Somali politics post 2016. ?


I always had a hunch that the sudden resignations of Xirsi & Co. was caused by disagreements about the fast changing politics in Xamar, more than anything else.

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Hehehe... looks like Xirsi is on the hunt for the support of the degmooyin, so as to remain relevant in Somali politics post 2016. ?


I always had a hunch that the sudden resignations of Xirsi & Co. was caused by disagreements about the fast changing politics in Xamar, more than anything else.



According to Africa Intelligence Xirsi and his brother have links to Damul Jadiid. A lot

of Somaliland politicians are in bed with Xamar secretly, they are not what they seem.

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