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Hargeisa use to be cleaner 60 years ago

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Camels drinking in dooxa Hargeisa. Sadly this seasonal river that was once flowing

with water most of the time is blocked and dirty due to large amount of waste and

rubbish dumped in it.


Hargeisa 1950s


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Population explosion is a bigger culprit, but i guess maryooley aren't interested in that. The carrying capacity of these semi desert lands has been surpassed long time ago hence the water shortages, famines, clan upheavals and what have you.


Cashar kulul ayay somali qaadan dontaa if they don't stop breeding like rats. There has to be demographic transition in the Somali speaking peoples territories asap, NFD has the highest rates of birth anywhere in Kenya with no change in culture in sight, ditto with Somalia proper and Kilinka shanaad; the average Somali woman's TFR is ~8 kids, this frightening, a train wreck in slow motion is going on right before our eyes. Youth bulge, poverty, environmental degradation, joblessness, female marginalization, malnourishment which stunts physical and mental growth, religious radicalism are being led primarily or aggravated by our over breeding. The usual poverty is behind it will by bandied about, but even well traveled Somalis in qurbo have ridiculous birth rates, so its a cultural issue that is at play, we are irrationally pro natal. This needs to tackled head on without shame or ka gabasho.

NGO' yadaan faraha kabatahy working in the horn i'm surprised none is looking at this most salient issue. End of rant.

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In all seriousness, Hargeysa is now much larger and prettier than it was back in the 60s. May it grow with grace and glamour.

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