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Gabiley community: We must stop using terror financing Dahabshiil company

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that is very serious niyoow. a whole clan is mad at these suspect terror financiers.




The USA has banned his company from operating there due to those grounds. Imagine

losing all those North American Somali customers, it is a huge blow to the steady

income of Dahabshiil company.

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The shady dealings of dahabshiil and other major companies in Somalia who effectively have turned into ruthless criminal syndicates will be brought under control only once an effective government, that can implement strict financial regulations, comes to power.


So until Culusow and Damjadiid--who themselves are in cohoots with these same companies--removed Villa Somalia, Dahabshiil & others will continue to support and finance criminality in Somalia.

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The allegations were always there, Godane was rumored to use it before being droned. Horta ninka iskaleh wadaad ma'aha, but he likes ahlu deen (so called) and trusts them as business people. He may have been snared into the whole matrix unknowingly like that.

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Xabad The USA has already outed him. He thought he was too smart for uncle Sam,

but every little move he makes is monitored. It is now common knowledge that

majority of transactions Al shabab made was through Dahabshiil. In southern

Somalia lots of cities/towns stopped using his company because they realized

he is part of the problem.





Africa Intelligence: USA suspects Dahabshiil of funding terror group Al Shabab




The latter works for the Somalian funds transfer company
Dahabshiil, which

is already in the US crosshairs. It suspects it of funding Al-Shabaab and

the perpetrators of Somaliland’s attempted coup to overthrow President

Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud, aka Silanyo. Hersi Ali Haji Hassan is also a cousin

of Dhabshiil’s founder, Mohamed Said Duale. In mid-November, the latter met

with the presidential for Somaliland’s ruling party Kulmiye, Musa Bihi Abdi,

to assure him of his commitment to help maintain political stability in Somaliland.


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^ War ileen, you learn new things everyday.


So he is part of the Islamist matrix after all. I always thought he was some run of the mill Isaaq-lander.

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^ War ileen, you learn new things everyday.


So he is part of the Islamist matrix after all. I always thought he was some run of the mill Isaaq-lander.



That was just a cover to operate, he is in cohorts with those named groups in south Somalia.

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Dahabshiil is a terrorist operated company and I don't know why the USA, Canada and UK don't shut this company down? the Arican countries will never shut it down because these african idiots can be bought. dahabshiil money killed enough somalis and it is time to stop this company.

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^USA did close Dahabshiil back in 2015.





U.S. banks cut off cash transfers to Somalia amid terrorism concerns



Last week, Abdia Sheikh made her regular trip to Dahabshiil, a tiny office in Falls Church, Va., and a financial nerve center of the Somali community in Northern Virginia. She had brought $200 in cash, which she sends every month


But this time, she was told the transaction would not be allowed. Across the country, thousands of other Somalis were being told the same thing, sending panic through their close-knit enclaves. Under pressure from federal agencies trying to curb money flows to criminals and terrorists, the last American bank willing to arrange cash transfers to their impoverished East African country had just cut them off.

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