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The house purchased by the family of Silanyo at Jumeriah beach in Dubai

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The house purchased by the family of president Silanyo at Jumeriah beach in Dubai- photo



8:56 pm 30th Dec, 2015





The house shown in the above photo has recently been purchased by the son-in-law of the president of Somaliland.






Bashe Awil Omer (Morgan) and his wife Lul Ahmed Silanyo have paid the price of $2.5 million for the house which is located at Jumeriah , the most expensive beach in the Gulf States, according to sources close to Qarran News.


Bashe Morgan is the handpicked representative of Somaliland in the United Arb Emirates.


The money spent on this house is part of the massive wealth taken abroad by the family of president Ahmed Silanyo of Somaliland . This is money earned through corruption and literally stolen from the masses in the country and therefore, is a matter that requires immediate investigation.


The people of Somaliland are suffering due to inflation , hunger , lack of water , poverty, human trafficking and poor governance while the family of the president spends that huge amount of money which could have alleviated the suffering of the people in Somaliland.












On the hand, high rise buildings that belong to the first lady are under construction in Berbera and Hargeisa which is a matter that also angers the public that are desperately in need subsistence means.


The looting goes on .


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When will this impunity of stealing public funds will stop. If it were up to me I would have appointed special persecutor to investigate and recover these funds.


Muxuu yidhi: tuug dhuuntaanu arki jirnee

mid toosh wataa yimid. Waar dadkani miyaanay Ilaahay ka baqayn?. xoolaha ummada ee ay dhacayaan.


This is probably part of the $19 million the Emirates gave to Somaliland for road construction in 2014.


History repeats itself, 25 years ago, the son in law of Siyaad barre with same name as this one acted like a playboy while the country was burning, now we see another Morgan not only looting but proud of his excess.

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History repeats itself, 25 years ago, the son in law of Siyaad barre with same name as this one acted like a playboy while the country was burning, now we see another Morgan not only looting but proud of his excess.

I think if this terrible coincidence does not bring back awful memories of the last days of the kacaan era in the minds of the public, and does not serve as an example of what lessons should have been learned from those days, nothing will change.

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Aduunkoo dhan waa sidaa kaluunka weynaada kan yar nolol uma ogala


Waa guri caadi ah aragtidayda place ama qasar ma’ahan iyo family ku fraxsan noloshooda oo door biday inay xeebta u dhawadaan mushkilad ma leh.


Sawirka dhabtaa oo meesha ka muuqda waxaa weyaan is barbar dhigga dameer ooman oo caag maran sida oo ceelkii kasoo noqday iyo gabar abaheed hor jooge yahay oo dhar qaali ah ku dhaxamootay markii la fiiriyo kitaabka afrikaanka waa waxaan loo dul qaadan Karin.


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