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Asmara, Eritrea

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Asmara is known for its well-preserved
colonial Italian
modernist architecture.


There you go, it is not indigenous endeavor.


Asmara is a museum without any gainful employment opportunities for inhabitants and a repressive North Korean like regime.


Young Eritreans are desperately risking it all for Greener pastures abroad; drowning in the Mediterranean ocean to reach Europe; getting shot and mistreated while illegally try to enter Israel through Sinai.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves and keep a perspective on things. Nice buildings are not equal to development.



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Xabad Well at-least they are smart enough to preserve their city and upgraded it.

Were's Somalians destroyed Mogadishu and all its past old buildings thus losing

its character, even the wires under the roads weren't left alone. Italian

architecture is very beautiful.

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