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High ranking army officer killed in Berbera, Somaliland

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Thanks to Siilanyo senile security in Somaliland cities is getting worse




Daawo. War Deg-Deg : Taliyihii Ciidanka Birmadka Berbera Oo Toogasho Lagu Dilay


Wararka hadda naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Berbera ee xarunta gobolka Saaxil ayaa sheegay in maanta toogasho lagu dilay Taliyhii ciidanka Birmadka magaalada Berbera Aadan Guuleed (Talaabo).


Wararka hadda naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Berbera ee xarunta gobolka Saaxil ayaa sheegay in maanta toogasho lagu dilay Taliyhii ciidanka Birmadka magaalada Berbera Aadan Guuleed (Talaabo).



Taliyaha ayaa waxa toogtay mid ka mid ah Askarta Ciidanka ee uu maaulka u hayay , waxana uu ku geeriyooday isla goobtii lagu toogtay.


Ciidanka ayaa gacanta ku dhigay Askarigii dilka gaystay waxana lagu xidhay Xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Berbera.


Si cad looma oga sababta Askarigani u dilay Taliyaha mana jiro cid ka tirsan Xukuumadda oo weli ka hadashay.


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Saalaxoow saaxiib do you get an orgasm from the bad news in Somaliland? Cajuus Siilaanyo will leave office soon so don't get too excited about the unfortunate events which take place in our homeland now and then.

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Saalaxoow saaxiib do you get an orgasm from the bad news in Somaliland? Cajuus Siilaanyo will leave office soon so don't get too excited about the unfortunate events which take place in our homeland now and then.



I am just posting the news and keeping people updated. Just because Siilanyo is a

cajuus doesn't mean he is innocent of the current situation in Somaliland. He will

be held responsible.

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Why was he killed? Personal issue?



Clan issue. Nowadays those types of events are starting to spread within the

JSL police and armed forces unfortunately.

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Salaam AUN


may I ask Saalax, what is the clan of the killed? can you elaborate a bit further on the issue.



He belonged to the mountain people of Sahil hence the protests in Abdaal. The killer

is related to Siilanyo.


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siilanyo is causing lots of problems everywhere. now he has turned salaax's clan against SSC clan and they are fighting in buuhoodle area. everyday there are clans fighting there and siilanyo wants to benefit from this. this is crazy niyoow.



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siilanyo is causing lots of problems everywhere. now he has turned salaax's clan against SSC clan and they are fighting in buuhoodle area. everyday there are clans fighting there and siilanyo wants to benefit from this. this is crazy niyoow.



They have clocked that already and the fighting was stopped immediately with both

sides calling for peace. Buhoodle and Gashaamo communities know it is not their

interest to fight specially when vulture Siilanyo is lurking around.

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