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Muslim Hijabi Saves the Live of White Girl in Seconds.

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she was probably wasn't Muslim. muslims are incapable of performing a selfless act, if it doesnt benefit their personal interest or their pan-global islamic khaliphate agenda. she could've been Catholic or Jewish, these people also wear veils on their head. i highly doubt this 'Hijabi' was muslim. she could've been an actress and the whole thing was probably staged to humanise and portray Muslims in a positive light as per political correctness rules. Muslims and Islamic groups have a stranglehold on the free media. you can't express your opinions and freedom of speech without being killed, maimed or beheaded by folks addled by Islamist jihadism.


the truth is Muslims are quite selfish people, let alone heroic.



check this funny youtube vid. its funny.

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she was probably wasn't Muslim. muslims are incapable of performing a selfless act, if it doesnt benefit their personal interest or their pan-global islamic khaliphate agenda. she could've been Catholic or Jewish, these people also wear veils on their head. i highly doubt this 'Hijabi' was muslim. she could've been an actress and the whole thing was probably staged to humanise and portray Muslims in a positive light as per political correctness rules. Muslims and Islamic groups have a stranglehold on the free media. you can't express your opinions and freedom of speech without being killed, maimed or beheaded by folks addled by Islamist jihadism.


the truth is Muslims are quite selfish people, let alone heroic.



check this funny youtube vid. its funny.


kix kix


thanks for the laugh, sxb the prank was hilarious



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