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Maxamed Maxamed

Starting a party in the motherland

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would you withdraw from arab league ?


how would you deal with currency meltdowns socialist regimes are prone to, like is happening in venezuela ?


do you think climate change poses a danger to the country ?





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"Would you withdraw from arab league?"


Yes. For the fact is an Arab League if for Arabs and we are Somali Africans, infact we need an an alliance known as the African League if the motherland is to prosper, because it is said:


"I am my brother’s keeper."

My freedom and health are bound up in my neighbor's actions. Thus to some degree my politics/economy is tied to the politics/economy of my brothers and sisters, and night.

An African League and not the fake African Union would be better for our interests as Somalis. We need to unite with our neighbours.



"how would you deal with currency meltdowns socialist regimes are prone to, like is happening in venezuela ?"


Is this currency printed money? Which if remember is indeed printed currency that banks' control. Even if the bank is state-owned we mustn't give power to Banks for that much power will breed abuses. Bank notes you must know are useless. Currency like bank notes depends on credit and the government will be indebted to the banks while in Socialist States the people are indebted to the government this much power will breed corruption. Financial meltdowns are almost always do to the credit-backed banknotes. A politically controlled central bank is not truly independent of private banking interests.

I propose the following: that we install 'hard' currency that cannot be printed be it gold, sliver, coins, animals as wealth, etc.... It is really a primitive form of currency but is our best chance to become independent and Libya's leader was assassinated for trying to bring on a Gold Standard.

Financial crises and meltdowns happen because of the printing of too much money that cannot be paid off, the interests will rise and rise, before a meltdown happens.



"Do you think climate change poses a danger to the country?"


It pose a danger to the health of humans, and so to the nation.The adverse effects of UV light and other radiations on human health. Climate change is not the disease but the symptom of much greater problems, such as, deforestation, CO2 emissions, etc... I cannot stress how evil CO2 is. We should curb anything that elevates our respiratory rate. If we had an all oxygen environment we would suffer, all C02, we would suffer, we need balance. Climate change if you remember will effect Agricultural production and outputs for if today a sunny day turns into a rainy day unexpectedly crops may suffer and farmers will be broken-hearted.

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"He who controls the money controls the country."

We can afford to give any one single person all that power. Currency should be printed but all in times gone by we need to buy in hard currency. It is good for our economy and for the people.

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Correction: We cannot afford to give any one single person all that power. Currency should be in hard like in times gone by. We need to buy in hard currency. It is good for our economy, our sovereignty, and for the people.


(Multi-tasking is getting bothersome, lol.)

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I see it this way something we see as not being a problem "Climate Change" can turn out to be a nightmare.

1) Natural disasters is a cause of Climate Change this will wreck havoc on many.

2) Agriculture will suffer.

3) Livestock will suffer and die because the Agriculture is suffering.

4) Without livestock people will become nutrient deficient and die of hunger. What the natural disaster hasn't finished off will surely be finished off due to hunger.

5) There is no nation without its people.

You see something as little as Climate Change has big consequences, this is all a chain reaction and features prominently in Chemistry and Physics.

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That is a great platform to run, and those are good principles to found a political party, so go for it, and best of luck.

A couple of things to warn you of:

a) seek knowledge and wisdom before fame and fortunate,

b) leave out the "racial rhetoric - white this and that", and

c) to find solutions to problems incl. financial, societal, technological etc., in Islam, study/devour it (do not just read it only to use it a peg to hung your coat on, and only to be whipped out as a escape-goat when all else fails).




2) Pan-Somalism "Somali Nationalism"

3) Anti- imperialism

4) Single-party state

5) Protectionism (Economic policy): This has been my economic goal for Somalia, to see protectionism in our country. This is all to protect our infant economies from imports, competition, world market, etc...

6) Pro-Nationalization (Economic policy): Nationalizing of all industries.

7) Anti-Laissez-faire

8) Pro-Unity

9) Scientific Socialism (“My kind of Socialism”)


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Illyria, I must point out I am not trying to run nor do I care for the joke known as politics in Somalia. Even if I put my mind to running I will be killed before I make it; there is a conspiracy working in all governments in this day and age. Nationalists who care for their peoples and nation are paid to shut their mouth, if this doesn't work they are assassinated. Nothing short of a REVOLUTION will work. We need a leader who has Somali interests at heart, who knows no fear, whose heart is brazen when it comes to foreigners, who knows how to speak to the people and knows their heart. What we need is a complete overhaul of the current system and as they say give me liberty or give me death.


My political party is a socialist-revolutionary party, we follow our own Somali version of Marxism-Leninism, we are first & foremost followers of Islam & Nationalism. We are both Environmentalists & Agriculturalists. The Somali version of Patriotism features very well in this revolutionary group of ours. We are pro-liberation for we see that Somalia is now held by enemies and we must work with each other to liberate our mother from the grasp of tyranny. Instead of pills we believe in curing with natural remedies, herbs & herbal preparations, tonics, good nutrition, etc... We are pro-natural living. This group will be both revolutionary party and business entity. Hre are some of my points:


1) The empowerment of the Somali language especially outside of Somalia.

2) That Federalism is a failure and not the solution to our problems; unity being key, we need to support the idea of the Somali Union.

3) We need our own African/Somali version of Confucianism. There's a need for an ethical system which will teach the populace the morals so vital to the nation. Using the ethical system found in the holy book of Islam and adding other things our party will hope to write a complete book of Ethics to be utilized.


To ALL please aid me in this venture for I cannot do it alone, although I use to live i Minnesota I now live in the homeland, my comrades are native youths, but without Somali help everywhere we will achieve much.

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c) to find solutions to problems incl. financial, societal, technological etc., in Islam, study/devour it (do not just read it only to use it a peg to hung your coat on, and only to be whipped out as a escape-goat when all else fails).


why don't you go to live in raqqa with isis ?





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My people and comrades all around the world, Somali interests are being ignored by the world community, this is a shame and must not continue on. Ethiopia is our nemesis and the regional power in the HOA. They can summon Somali leaders at will ad control Somali affairs. These leaders are the rejects in the golden era of Siad's rule, but now rule our country. They are in bed with the enemies of Somali freedom and sovereignty. My party believes in uniting with the friends of Somalia, which are few. Eritrea is one of them who I believe suffers constantly from US meddlings, but no nation in Africa is as brave as Eritrea, and I believe the goal to uniting Somalia is to unite Djibouti, regional rebels/confederates (Puntland & Somaliland), Ogadenia & NFD. We need to remember who are our allies and comrades are such as Eritrea and the Oromos.

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