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Maxamed Maxamed

Starting a party in the motherland

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I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. As I see my country in the hands of loose suits and brawling politicians. Men with their ill fitting suits think they can gain from the common people, think they can sell our lands to foreigners, etc... The idea of democracy in a third-world country that is chaotic and unstable is a sick joke. Do you think democracies insufficiency is our light, the beacon of our problems? No, democracy is for western nations that can afford it not for so called "third-world" countries. This party that I am starting with natives from all over Somalia will be both a political party, social party, and a business/economics party. The youth with the help of the elders can change the nation but it takes collectivism for a greater good. We must if we are to survive as a nation and people adopt collectivism and set aside our differences. The youths in this country are afraid to do anything, others are two-faced monsters who have blood on their hands, and others could not care for the world as long as they are getting the Khaat fix. I have found dedicated youths who have taken an oath to follow the interests of Somalia and her people. I have chosen the name of the party/group, we are currently youths from all kinds of background, but who have the goal of seeing the motherland united, all somali-regions taken back from the hands of foreigners and into the our domain.


1) Pan-Africanism (I love mama Africa and if we are to become powerful we must united with our African neighbors who are not working for the West, such as Eritrea, Zimbabwe, etc....

2) Pan-Somalism "Somali Nationalism"

3) Anti- imperialism

4) Single-party state

5) Protectionism (Economic policy): This has been my economic goal for Somalia, to see protectionism in our country. This is all to protect our infant economies from imports, competition, world market, etc...

6) Pro-Nationalization (Economic policy): Nationalizing of all industries.

7) Anti-Laissez-faire

8) Pro-Unity

9) Scientific Socialism (“My kind of Socialism”)



Remember as I said, this is not only a political party but also an economics/business group. Before getting into politics we must gain economic power in our communities. How you ask? With exporting goods (supply companies) to USA, European, and Canadian markets all in the hopes of taking advantage of our goods and having Somalis benefit from it instead of the rotten deal between Somalis and Arabs of the livestock industry, exporting whole live animals cannot help us gain wealth, but instead helps get Arabs rich off our resources. What I would have proposed is to open meat processing factories all over Somalia in order to make profits off the livestock industry instead selling weighted meat vs whole animals.

(To be continued.)


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The Party’s Agenda: “To resurrect the idea of the old Somalinimo and collectivism; that unity is vital to our nation’s interests and that without it we will as a nation be easy prey for foreigners and enemy conspiracies; to follow the people’s will whatever that may be.”



We must understand that today more then ever we are in need of a leader, a visionary like no other who is ready to spill his blood for the good of the nation and its people. Self-sacrifice is one of the principles in this group, if you aren't ready to put in your all for this cause you aren't a brother of mine. A man who has no sympathy for foreigners save for his people and others like them (other Africans).


Another point:

Individualism is poison and is a foreign concept, unity is uniquely African always remember that and do not let White revisionist history fool you.


There is no power in being disconnected if we are to achieve results we must be connected with each other. This must be obvious sorry to say for how are we to achieve results if we are disconnected from the motherland? This is for DIASPORA mostly, you have disappointed me your fellow Somali-diaspora. For it is painfully obviously that you are disconnected with your motherland when you come over here, many have come here so westernized to the point that they are only fluent in broken Somali. It is also funny that they the westernized Somalis see as culture what we see as taboo. This is both a shame and embarrassing but no worries. We are powerlessness in disconnection, in business being connected is known as Networking and is the life-blood of any business. Today we see that those of like-mind with our ideology are in-fact disconnected and this disconnection is the nail to the coffin of any group, revolution, etc…




“When we connect we prevent interlopers from coming into our communities and taking and destroying at will.” George Fraser




Most African presidents and many elites are corrupted, irresponsible and shameless PUPPETS at the hands of the WEST. You must understand this, our politicians do care for our well-being nor are they loyal to Somalia, if they were wouldn't they ban the charcoal trade (deforestation) which is not only bad for the environment, but also bad for our health, you must understand trees eat CO2 at the same time releasing oxygen, and we all know CO2 is a known cell-destroyer an bad for human health. If the leaders of our country were educated this would've been obvious to them, but not only are they self-serving, corrupt, irresponsible, etc... but also lack basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, economics, etc...


The smart people get a contract for their politicians and hold them accountable. If they want the peoples to get them into office you must do as they say and work for their interests. You must ask yourself what will our politicians do for my country, community, and my people. If they fail to do as the people say you need to pull them out of office and put your money into and back a candidate who works for you, but time and time again we have leaders chosen on the basis of tribal affiliations FOR SHAME!!

(To be continued)

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Sorry though my writing is not as excellent as it should be and this is why I need a writer for this group/party later.


3 elements to be a powerful political base/group:



1) Grass-root base: Move at any-time and mobilize.

2) Research-base: Think tanks. Working around the clock, research- play to win and not play to play.

3) Wealth-base: To build businesses with. Investing and funding the other two bases.

(Water, Food, Energy, & Medicine)


Remember, we need to build the wealth and political power of Somalis in western nations before we can build our nation. We need more Somali business men, somali importers/exporters, distributors, retailers, etc... Are people think education is the road to success which I believe is wrong, for what does a liberal arts major do fr my country? Degrees in the hard sciences, engineering, medicine, etc... will always be helpful also trade schools are excellent, but a degree in English Literature, Art History, etc... is useless not to mention a waste of time.


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Call it as you may my friend. We of this group will utilize the internet for our advantages such as social media to ignite a revolution which has happen time and again. The Arab Spring (although western-backed) is a good example of this. Is it too much to ask that we would like our:


1) Freedom from the meddling of non-Somali in our politics.

2) Our food be grown without the use of chemical spray, totally healthy and pure as go willed it. (Organic movement)

3) Our economy be left alone so that we can dish out protectionism & nationalizing to help bounce back the economy. That we can ban imports without getting western eyes and attention.

4) That the medicines/pills being brought into our country has done more harm then good. I propose a total ban on these, let us go back to the way life was, simple and happy, folk remedies, herbs & herbal medicines, clean environment, food grown naturally, staying away from the diseases of concubitus (sex) & most importantly and the one I champion for our ultimate health using NUTRITION to prevent diseases, keeping us happy and content; for I believe that a lack of nutrition is the cause of most diseases in the world & can be traced to it. As one of my mentors and teachers said:



“I would take 100 generations of chimps and by giving them the proper nutrients, by the end I would have them looking like Charles Darwin, and give me another 10 and I would have them looking like today’s top Evolutionists!”


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This is not a utopia for I will utilize economic principles to bring on the change we so badly need. Scientific Socialism is not regular utopia Socialism, but relies on math & economics to change the country.

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Islam features very well in my goals, but what we in this group are trying to avoid is the fear mongering Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Look at where wahhabi version of Islam has gotten us. It is also an imported ideology that the Bedouin desert dwellers of Saudi Arabia brought to Somalia via their proxy Al-shaytan. Islam though will feature very prominently in this revolution for Islam is our proud religion and a unifying force, Islam also has the guidelines for things such as Law, Social behaviors, taboos, etc... we will use this guide-line for all our workings while at the same time avoiding extremism.

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Are you toying with me my fellow countryman? I think you are one of those liberals who believe democracies are good for us. Dictatorships/One-party states guarantee the Social Order, which is a very necessary prerequisite for any kind of economic accumulation process to be feasible. Don't you understand this? In my group all my comrades are Socialists and we are going to be the only Socialist party in Somalia since the fall of the Revolutionary Council of Siad Barre. You are laughing at North Korea, but this is a small nation which has its independence unlike its Americanized neighbours in South Korea.

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I think you check lee kuan yew's model in singapore.


tightly controlled, authoritarian, socially conservative but prosperous nation.





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You have good observational skills, lee kuan yew is in tunes with my economic reforms and not the social reforms I plan. Firstly, Lee was a man who was pro-unity just like we are in the party for without unity there is chaos and it is said:

"As a direct result of the partition of the Somali peninsula into 5 different entities; only two of them have united to form the Somali Republic. Djibouti in 1977 opted for independence, while the remaining two are parts of Ethiopia & Kenya. In such a situation, the rule holds that a people split up & its parts separated by state boundaries, the more the differences between the divided parts increase under the growing influence of the social, economic, and political conditions under which the parts live in."

It is a known fact that bringing the Somalis under one state always met with little support, if not total rejection from the majority of the world. My party's goal will always be to bring the Somali regions under one banner/party rule.

Lee said this when Malayasia and Singapore were ready to breakaway.

"everytime we look back on this moment when we signed this agreement which severed Singapore from Malaysia, it will be a moment of anguish. For me it is a moment of anguish because all my life ... you see, the whole of my adult life ... I have believed in Merger and the unity of these two territories. You know, it's a people connected by geography, economics, and ties of kinship..."


Lee's most excellent move was to provide stable jobs for its people, as unemployment was high.


My party will so greatly focus on this issues for the unemployment rate for youth aged 14 to 29 is 67 percent—one of the highest rates in the world; all these youths are a danger to the country for they will either turn to banditry or join up with extremists. We can and should provide jobs for youths and not on the basis of tribal affiliations or who you may know. We must build our industries and bring on new industries, an example might be, instead of importing shoes isn't it better if we start a shoes manufacturing company? We have the raw materials lack the skill which can be solved by bringing in those who are skilled in this trade to teach our youths. Another one, instead of exporting live animals we can start meat processing factories and package the meat by weight, this will bring in wealth and create jobs.

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Ataturk like reforms are a shame for Somalia is 99.99999999999 percent Islam, while I preach religious tolerance (even the holy book preaches this when they talk of, "the religions of the peoples of the books", Christianity and Judaism.) I do not preach the western type Islam so common in Turkey for that would make this country a morally corrupt one. I am for the "people's will" and will not force anything on them for they will soon resent me and a leader who doesn't fear the people will be in-turn corrupt.

I follow two things:

1) National Will

2) The People's will

We in this party believe that the Nation's will and what is good for our nation overrides the people's will which is second in importance.

"He who loves his nation loves himself."

I am totally against the modern day Turkish mindset, while I do not agree with extremism I cannot find myself agreeing with Secular Islam which is really Westernized Islam given a fancy name.

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I am truly against Arabization and just like Westernization will degrade our mother culture and her tongue. One of my party's goal is to promote the culture and the tongue, for you see as I am typing Somali is being bastardized before our very own eyes & ears. Some jackass has decided to exchange Somali words for Arabic words and so on:

1) Marhaba for welcome vs Soo dhowow

2) Naaam vs haa


This is cultural genocide and we must avoid it if we are to pas anything onto the future generations, loathe is the man who has not his mother culture and has forgotten his mother tongue.

I will encourage the people to start giving their children native Somali names, such as Abtidoon, Xiif, Dayax, Xirsi, Dahabo, Fiidow, etc... My party is against any foreign culture that isn't our own.

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