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Hargeisa elders call for two mayors for Hargeisa city

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After a rife corruption and underdevelopment by the current mayor, many districts

have vowed to keep their tax within them.






DAAWO -Suldaan Markale Sheegay in Caasimada Hargeisa laba Maayir u bahantay Soltelana Fashilmay



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The problem is a lot of the Somaliland politicians are corrupt incompetent

tribalists that drive wedge between the people.

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The problem is a lot of the Somaliland politicians are corrupt incompetent

tribalists that drive wedge between the people.

So you are not a tribalist?

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Really!! What about that hated east Burco community you were too eager to segregate with a demarcation line?

If I was a tribalist I would have covered up the stark reality in

Somaliland under the carpet.

Really!! Then why don't we see you posting any critical comments about the useless "opposition" leader who happens to be from your clan?

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I am against the incompetent administration of failed politician Silanyo,

there is not much to criticize about the opposition because they are not

in charge of the state. So far I agree with their methods of getting

the International community to isolate the Sland government and cut

funds, however when I see them pandering to Silanyo then that is when

I will criticize the opposition as they wouldn't be doing their job then.

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Tallaabo, I think Saalax often displays political maturity and independence not seen among Landers. That is a good thing.



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