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EU decides to close its office in Hargeisa on permanent basis

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Breaking News: EU decides to close its office in Hargeisa on permanent basis



Hargeisa- The European Union (EU) has decided to close its office in Hargeisa, Somaliland capital as confirmed by senior SL government officials.


The decision to close EU office has come out this week. The EU is expected to release all employees who used to work its office in Hargeisa but will retain a driver and a staffer who are expected to be responsible for emergencies.


The EU has based its decision to close its office in Hargeisa due to lack of funds to run the office.


Somaliland authority has not issued a statement nor spoken of the EU exit from the country but it is reported that gov’t officials were informed of the closure two months in advance before the decision takes into effect.


Many politcal analysts have stated that there are other points that led the EU’s decision to close its office in Somaliland rather than the lack of funds aforementioned.


Somaliland authority submitted a letter of complaint to EU headquarters, Brussels expressing its protest over the EU’s Special Representative to Somalia/Somaliland, Michele Cervone d’URSO in which SL has accused of siding with the opposition groups over the term extension that the Guurti unilaterally made for the SIlanyo gov’t which its term expired.


On the other hand, SL authority has accused him of meddling internal matters that SL government is responsible to handle.


It is a well known fact that Michele Cervone d’URSO has stood a strong position over the term extension and from that day that the ties between the EU and Somaliland went sour.

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