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Appointed Governor of War Criminal Siilanyo Humiliated in Ceerigaabo

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He asked in front of War Criminal Silanyo if Ceerigaabo community will vote for

Cirro in elections hoping they will say no, instead they said yes kk and

Senile Silanyo begged him "war ka da" to stop asking them that question :D .He

must be deluded to think Ceerigaabo a opposition stronghold will betray the






Fadeexadi ka racday Badhasaabka Sanaag oo Siilanyo hortiisa Dadweynaha ku weydiiyey Cirro ma dooranaa?+Jawaabtii

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One would think the old man will spend his golden years in a comfortable villa surrounded by family and friends since he already took a bite at the apple once.


Somaliland needs a younger (not the short dude), vibrant leadership, not one beholden to tribal leaders and crooked businessmen.

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There is some unverified news that they won't stand for a second term,

Silanyo is finished anyway, he ruined his rep longtime ago.

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