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Somaliland conference opens

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End of Siilaanyo is near niyoow. good move by opposition. get rid of him by force if necessary.

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Best way is releasing a communique to the IC that the opposition doesn't

recognize Siilaanyo as president after 27 July to the IC, Ethiopia,

Djibouti. That political move will finish Siilaanyo for good.

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Wishful thinking mate:


There's nothing the opposition can do to Silanyo besides make noise on the sidelines at this time.


However, all the IC wants to know from Silanyo is when and how he will officially and publicly bring about a rapprochement with the rest of Somalia and get his part of the country ready for the vision 2016 plan for Somalia. Naturally, Silanyo doesn't have a clue as to how to do so without giving his vocal opposition a lot of political ammunition to come after him.


Unfortunately for him though, he must either choose between the wrath of the people he's been lying to all these years or hold elections on time, so as to get someone else elected who will bring Somaliland in from the cold.


So to say the least here; 2016 is fast becoming an annus mirabilis or annus horribilis for our beloved Habros :D

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I beg to differ, The legitimate opposition has lots of political clot

they can basically shake the entire foundation, they should not be




Siilaanyo is already a traitor and a failure in the eyes of most

Somalilanders ever since that Wikileak report was leaked, so

it will be hard to convince anyone as most people lost trust

in his administration anyway. So in conclusion Siilaanyo

is damaged goods, unelectable, traitor and senile, that

is how the Somaliland electoral see him.I agree his only

hope is trying to pass the torch to one of his followers(same

political stance) but then that will only come by elections, so

he is stuck between a hard place and a rock. :D

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Tillamook is on the money. Siilaanyo signed the union agreement in order to get the new deal money from Europeans and others. Everyone knows except the "Gaas Dhagoole". The secession dream was over long time ago.


It will not be Siilaanyo to sell the deal. He doesn't have the capacity to explain or enforce it. He is a lame duck. He can not even read a five minute latter let alone discuss complicated issues. The Habros and others must swallow the hard reality.


before the dust settles and Siilaanyo is removed, people will go through a lot of useless " Xadhig Jiid" and abuse. Just this morning he fired the majority of the so called supreme court judges after they rules that the opposition could hold conferences. Like his own employees, he fired four and hired eight. Where in the world could you discard judges as pawns. Only in the land of lawless nomads.


The real issue here is that we must defeat the southern elite who prolonged the union and reclamation of the Somali state. They are the root of the problem. In the nineties they were involved in warlordsim and anarchy, while in the new millennium they used religion as a tool to hold on to power, and now we have two fat boys ( culusow and Ina C/rashiid) from Mogadishu, without energy and "Karti" minding the shop. There were times in the diaspora that the Landers would not even dare to openly wave their flag and advocate secession.


Those who destroyed the nation should never lead. SNM, SSDF and USC should never be trusted to build a just and lasting nation. They did not fight to get justice, democracy or rule of law. They were fighting for tribal hegemony. Regimes are changed, overthrown through blood, peoples power or other ways. but, destroying the nation and it's foundation is different.


Believe you me these traitors are small in numbers. The majority of the Somalis, whether they are in Puntland, Mogadishu, Bay or even Woqooyi are dissatisfied of the status quo and the situation of the country in general.. We can defeat them easily. Have you seen the latest census estimate which could be close to reality. Shabeelaha Hoose alone with it's huge, over populated eight districts are estimated to be 1.2 million. They have more people than the combined population of Nugaal, Mudug and Galgaduud. Imagine that.


Bay, Bakool and Shabeelaha Hoose could easily equal in numbers if you combine all northern regions. That is why I am saying let us vote and take the country back.


By the way, when I say SNM , SSDF and USC, I am targeting particularly the leaders and the idea behind it. The Somali people are our people wherever they live . " Shacabku Waa Xalaal Meel Kasta oo Ay joogaanba". the issue is Siilaanyo, Faroole, C/kariiin Guuleed, and others. Also remember Culusow was a USC advocate according to some people.


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Financial aid was blocked by Washington due to Silanyo's incompetence.

I will post the info from Africa Intelligence later on.

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Does the opposition offer a clear alternative? Sometimes things don't turn out as planned. Hopefully the people of Somaliland will use common sense to find a path forward.

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Tillamook is on the money. Siilaanyo signed the union agreement in order to get the new deal money from Europeans and others. Everyone knows except the "Gaas Dhagoole". The secession dream was over long time ago.


It will not be Siilaanyo to sell the deal. He doesn't have the capacity to explain or enforce it. He is a lame duck. He can not even read a five minute latter let alone discuss complicated issues. The Habros and others must swallow the hard reality.


before the dust settles and Siilaanyo is removed, people will go through a lot of useless " Xadhig Jiid" and abuse. Just this morning he fired the majority of the so called supreme court judges after they rules that the opposition could hold conferences. Like his own employees, he fired four and hired eight. Where in the world could you discard judges as pawns. Only in the land of lawless nomads.


The real issue here is that we must defeat the southern elite who prolonged the union and reclamation of the Somali state. They are the root of the problem. In the nineties they were involved in warlordsim and anarchy, while in the new millennium they used religion as a tool to hold on to power, and now we have two fat boys ( culusow and Ina C/rashiid) from Mogadishu, without energy and "Karti" minding the shop. There were times in the diaspora that the Landers would not even dare to openly wave their flag and advocate secession.


Those who destroyed the nation should never lead. SNM, SSDF and USC should never be trusted to build a just and lasting nation. They did not fight to get justice, democracy or rule of law. They were fighting for tribal hegemony. Regimes are changed, overthrown through blood, peoples power or other ways. but, destroying the nation and it's foundation is different.


Believe you me these traitors are small in numbers. The majority of the Somalis, whether they are in Puntland, Mogadishu, Bay or even Woqooyi are dissatisfied of the status quo and the situation of the country in general.. We can defeat them easily. Have you seen the latest census estimate which could be close to reality. Shabeelaha Hoose alone with it's huge, over populated eight districts are estimated to be 1.2 million. They have more people than the combined population of Nugaal, Mudug and Galgaduud. Imagine that.


Bay, Bakool and Shabeelaha Hoose could easily equal in numbers if you combine all northern regions. That is why I am saying let us vote and take the country back.


By the way, when I say SNM , SSDF and USC, I am targeting particularly the leaders and the idea behind it. The Somali people are our people wherever they live . " Shacabku Waa Xalaal Meel Kasta oo Ay joogaanba". the issue is Siilaanyo, Faroole, C/kariiin Guuleed, and others. Also remember Culusow was a USC advocate according to some people.






Galbeed keep righting Sheeko Qosol Ah Oo Khiyaano Badan


Why Not Vote for Your Uncle from Borama , Can he be trusted with Nation


Seems like all the Nationalist and Halal people are left only in Gabiley Borama , We should elect one of your Uncle for Somali Leadership ?

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Tillamook is on the money. Siilaanyo signed the union agreement in order to get the new deal money from Europeans and others. Everyone knows except the "Gaas Dhagoole". The secession dream was over long time ago.


It will not be Siilaanyo to sell the deal. He doesn't have the capacity to explain or enforce it. He is a lame duck. He can not even read a five minute latter let alone discuss complicated issues. The Habros and others must swallow the hard reality.


before the dust settles and Siilaanyo is removed, people will go through a lot of useless " Xadhig Jiid" and abuse. Just this morning he fired the majority of the so called supreme court judges after they rules that the opposition could hold conferences. Like his own employees, he fired four and hired eight. Where in the world could you discard judges as pawns. Only in the land of lawless nomads.


The real issue here is that we must defeat the southern elite who prolonged the union and reclamation of the Somali state. They are the root of the problem. In the nineties they were involved in warlordsim and anarchy, while in the new millennium they used religion as a tool to hold on to power, and now we have two fat boys ( culusow and Ina C/rashiid) from Mogadishu, without energy and "Karti" minding the shop. There were times in the diaspora that the Landers would not even dare to openly wave their flag and advocate secession.


Those who destroyed the nation should never lead. SNM, SSDF and USC should never be trusted to build a just and lasting nation. They did not fight to get justice, democracy or rule of law. They were fighting for tribal hegemony. Regimes are changed, overthrown through blood, peoples power or other ways. but, destroying the nation and it's foundation is different.


Believe you me these traitors are small in numbers. The majority of the Somalis, whether they are in Puntland, Mogadishu, Bay or even Woqooyi are dissatisfied of the status quo and the situation of the country in general.. We can defeat them easily. Have you seen the latest census estimate which could be close to reality. Shabeelaha Hoose alone with it's huge, over populated eight districts are estimated to be 1.2 million. They have more people than the combined population of Nugaal, Mudug and Galgaduud. Imagine that.


Bay, Bakool and Shabeelaha Hoose could easily equal in numbers if you combine all northern regions. That is why I am saying let us vote and take the country back.


By the way, when I say SNM , SSDF and USC, I am targeting particularly the leaders and the idea behind it. The Somali people are our people wherever they live . " Shacabku Waa Xalaal Meel Kasta oo Ay joogaanba". the issue is Siilaanyo, Faroole, C/kariiin Guuleed, and others. Also remember Culusow was a USC advocate according to some people.






Galbeed keep righting Sheeko Qosol Ah Oo Khiyaano Badan


Why Not Vote for Your Uncle from Borama , Can he be trusted with Nation


Seems like all the Nationalist and Halal people are left only in Gabiley Borama , We should elect one of your Uncle for Somali Leadership ....?

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USA blocks $100 million aid to Somaliland due to Silanyo's failure. I guess

uncle Sam is not happy with Senile Silanyo's performance. :D





Mogadishu and Washington put Silanyo in quarantine



The Somalian central government and the USA are blocking Somaliland

president’s attempts to look for financial aid. (297 words).,108085754-ART




TOP SECRET: Nuxurka Qorshe Ka Dhan Ah SOMALILAND Oo Maraykanku Badhitaarayo.

Hargeysa | July 25, 2015


Hargeysa(SM) Wargeyska caanka ah ee Indian Ocean News Letter oo ka faallooda wararka siyaasadeed ee loo heli habka sirdoonka ah ayaa ayaa cadadkiisii shalay oo Jimce ahayd Bishan Juulaayna 24-ka ahayd waxa uu baahiyey warbixin kooban oo uu kaga hadlayo qorshe maamulka Muqdisho la dhex cararay caalamka oo taageero ka helay Maraykanka iyo Sucuudiga oo ah go’doon siyaasadeed oo la galiyo Xukuumadda uu gadhwadeenka ka yahay Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo iyo waliba wararka la xidhiidha sababtii baajisay safarkii uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ku tagi lahaa 6-dii bishan Boqortooyada Wadanka Sacuudi Carabiya.


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