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Former SNM prominent member Ali Gurey says Salebaan Gaal was a Siad Bare snitch

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"Inta badana wuxu xusuusan jiray jiray marka agtiisa lagu soo qaado

Salebaan Gaal oo halka uu Jaamac ka ahaa halgamaa isagu ahaa kabo qaad

midiidin uu aha Siad Bare. Sidaan xogogaal badan ka hayo Salebaan

Gaal wuu necbaa oo wu kaso horjeeday halgankii hubaysna ee SNM"




Lakiin Saleebaan Gaal nin yaqaan baa ii laqimay maalin aan maanta ahayn"

Muj .Cali Gurey

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Well a lot of the current politicians were Siad Bare snitches. When SNM had

the power those people weren't allowed to be in top positions.

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This is what passes for political debate in somaliland:


Politician 1: You were a snitch!


Political 2: No. You were a snitch!


Politician 3: shut up! You were both snitches and I wasn't.



This is the pettiness of the politics of that part of the country. No one ever mentions anything about creating jobs or improving health and education. Everything is about who was selling out to the old regime in xamar.


This is truly pathetic, which is why I say: Somaliland has no one better than Silanyo currently-- which says a lot about the unfortunate predicament those people find themselves in.

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