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Biggest demonstrations against Somaliland in Laascanood.

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Laascaano(PP):Banaanbax looga soo horjeedo Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa maanta ka dhacay Magaalada Laascaano ee gobol Sool banaan baxayaasha ayaa diidanaa 18 may oo ah xiligii la asaasay Soomaaliland oo inta badan ka qabsoomay magaalooyinka Soomaaliland.


goobjooge ayaa Puntlandpost u sheegay in dadka reer laascaano ay maanta oo kale iska aruurshaan qashinka waxaana is hor istaag kusameeyey ciidamada Soomaaliland kuwaas oo doonayey inay ka qayb qaataan dabaal daga 18 May.


Dadka baanan baxayey ayaa socod dheer ku maray wadada laamiga waxayna ku dhawaaqayeen erayo ay kamid ahaayeen doonimayno Soomaliland iyagoo dhexbartanka magaalada ku gubay Calanka Soomaliland.


Ciidamo katirsan Soomaaliland ayaa xabado ku furay dadkii banaan baxa dhigayey waxaana ku dhintay 1 Ruux halka 2 Ruux oo arday ah ku dhaawac meen.

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Laasanod is waking to reality that Siilaanyo admin is falling apart and people are seeing opportunity to take shots at the authorities

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This is an acceptable. The holy habro warriors must descend from their marfeshs to teach these wishywashy dervishes a lesson to remember.


How dare they? Especially on May 18th... God forbid :D

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If i was a paid derwiish by somaliland admin to rule laasanood, i would be worried for my job niyoow. how can regular citizens burn somaliland flag and other trash on May 18 in clear defiance of Somaliland authorities?


this is biggest embarrassment for siilaanyo niyoow in a long time. this is crazy niyoow.

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Ilaahay ha u naxariisto qofka meeshaa lagu dilay. Somaliland is a fledgling democracy where the freedom to protest is respected in most cases. However as the police all over the country lack basic crowd control gear we often see live ammunitions fired in such disturbances with tragic consequences. It happened in Borama, in Hargeisa, in Burco, and other places too.

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