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Jawaari deals blow to HAG wishes

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War culus: Prof. Jawaari Ayaa MAANTA amar soo saarey yirina: Gobolka Banaadir lama raacin karo federal kale


Ku Simaha MADAXWEYNAHA ahna Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federalka Somaliya Prof. Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari, ayaa wuxuu si xoogan uu kaga digay in Gobolka Banaadir lagu daro Maamulka la filaayo in loo dhiso Gobolada Shabeellaha Dhexe iyo Hiiraan.



Muddooyinkan dambe waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho ka soconayay shirar dhabaha loogu xaaraayo, sidii Gobolka Banaadir loogu biirin lahaa Maamulka Gobolada Hiiraan iyo Shabeellaha Dhexe.



Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, ayaa waxa uu warqad uu amuurtaasi uu kaga digaayo uu u diray Xafiisyada Madaxweynaha Somaliya, Ra’iisal Wasaaraha iyo midka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda.



Gudoomiyuhu wuxuu warqadda ku xusay saddex arrimood oo uu ku dooday in Gobolka Banaadir ka hor joogsanaya in lagu daro Maamulka Gobolada Shabeellaha Dhexe iyo Hiiraan, oo dhawaan lagu wado in loo dhiso.



Saddexda arrimood ee warqadiisa ku xusey Madaxweynaha ahna Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Prof. Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari Ayaa kala ah:



1- In lagama maarmaan ay tahay in la ilaaliyo Dastuurka Qabyo Qoraalka, oo oranaya Caasimadda laguma biirin karo Maamul Goboleed.



2- In dib u eegista Caasimadda loo baahan yahay afti dadweyne, iyadoo aan la helinna aan meelna lagu biirin karin.



3- In labada gole ee Dowladdu dib u eegis ku sameeyan, go’aanna ka qaataan marka shacabku u codeeyan Caasimadda. Haddii ay keli u taagnayn laheyd iyo haddii Maamul Goboleed la raacin lahaaba.

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Wax kasta oo dhaqaale iyo dhismo Aduunyadu bixisay Xamar baa la galiyey. Dadka Sommaaliyeed ee Zaylac iyo Baidhabo iyo Bulaxaar jooga waxba kama soo gaadhayaan. Dadka Soomaaliyeed Ayadoo ay didaas tahay ayey raali ka noqdeen. Iyagoo Rumaysan Hadii Caasimadu nabad noqoto in Qaran Soomaaliyeed hagaagayo.


Isbitaalo, wadooyin, iskuulo, Airpor iyo adeegii halkaas ayaa lawada geeyey. Dadka maanta ku hadaaqaya Muqdisho Hiiraan halagu daro, kumanaan Soomaali ah ayey Muqdisho Siyaabo kla duwan uga qixiyeen. Waxay dhaheen Hadaan Madaxweyne anaga la naga dhigin nabad la heli maayo. Maantana waxay leeyihiin Muqdisho waa dhul reer hebel ee Caasimad Soomaaliyeed oo loo wada siman yahay ma ahan.


If Mogadishu is going to be the nations capital, it must be a neutral seat of all Somalis. I can't imagine the greed of certain politicians. President Hassan and his clansmen control the Intelligence service, the national police, and Benadir regional government, yet they can't improve security. No way. Somalis should never allow one clan to control the resource of the national capital. Remember, it is the Somalis and former national governments, including " Kacaanka", who built Xamar before and today , it is mostly Turkey and the resource donated to the national government by the donors who are mostly responsible for the new Mogadishu.


They want to take all that to themselves. What a punch of greedy people. If they do not change their character " WAdankan Waa laka Diri".


Enough is enough.



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Waa run owoowe gacaliye nimankan laga sugayo inay wadanka iyo dadka xaal mariyaan waxay noqdeen fiin ama dhabad toosh lagu daaray,waxay isku magacaabeen ilmo qaran gudoomiyihii qaranka looyarkii qaranka, xisaabiyihii qaranka, ciyaartoydii qaranka, madaxweynihii qaranka,


16kii degmo oo muqdisho soomaali oo dhan dhisatay ilmo qaran kaliyaa ka qodbayn kara waxayna ku baaqeen in dadku guryahoodii kusoo noqdaan iskana bixiyaan qarashkii ku baxay gurigii laga dhisay qaxii ka dib.


Tan ku darida shabeelada dhexe waa laba gobol oo isku filan barwaaqo ilaahay dhigay u jeedada ka dambaysaa arintaasu waxaan u malaynayaa inay tahay in reer hiiraan doonyar ku kaluumaystaan.


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niyoow HAG will attempt any trick in the books to destabilize the country because it is in their financial interest. all the bombings and instability in mogadishu is being orchestrated by big financial backers of Alshabab because the more Mogadishu comes back and rises, the worse it is for some of these HAGs financially because they will compete with all other Somalis. this is the reality and even HAG residents of mogadishu would tell you that upfront if you visit mogadishu.


qoslaye and his friends don't want Mogadishu to become stable also because the more unstable it is, the more money the international community has to pour in. that is why HAG junta keeps coming up with these ridiculous proposals to kill people's hope and dream. corrupt HAG financiers of terrorism are holding the country a hostage niyoow and i have been saying that in the last 3 years.

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The federal capital should not be affiliated with any other existing federal state. That is my opinion.

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Wax kasta oo dhaqaale iyo dhismo Aduunyadu bixisay Xamar baa la galiyey. Dadka Sommaaliyeed ee Zaylac iyo Baidhabo iyo Bulaxaar jooga waxba kama soo gaadhayaan. Dadka Soomaaliyeed Ayadoo ay didaas tahay ayey raali ka noqdeen. Iyagoo Rumaysan Hadii Caasimadu nabad noqoto in Qaran Soomaaliyeed hagaagayo.


Isbitaalo, wadooyin, iskuulo, Airpor iyo adeegii halkaas ayaa lawada geeyey. Dadka maanta ku hadaaqaya Muqdisho Hiiraan halagu daro, kumanaan Soomaali ah ayey Muqdisho Siyaabo kla duwan uga qixiyeen. Waxay dhaheen Hadaan Madaxweyne anaga la naga dhigin nabad la heli maayo. Maantana waxay leeyihiin Muqdisho waa dhul reer hebel ee Caasimad Soomaaliyeed oo loo wada siman yahay ma ahan.


If Mogadishu is going to be the nations capital, it must be a neutral seat of all Somalis. I can't imagine the greed of certain politicians. President Hassan and his clansmen control the Intelligence service, the national police, and Benadir regional government, yet they can't improve security. No way. Somalis should never allow one clan to control the resource of the national capital. Remember, it is the Somalis and former national governments, including " Kacaanka", who built Xamar before and today , it is mostly Turkey and the resource donated to the national government by the donors who are mostly responsible for the new Mogadishu.


They want to take all that to themselves. What a punch of greedy people. If they do not change their character " WAdankan Waa laka Diri".




Enough is enough.


Waxaad ii sheegta waxey kacaanku dhiseen? China iyo talyaani ayaa kacaan noqday miyaa? :D


Adeer dadku ma inaa ka caqli sareysidaa mooda? Zeylac adigu iney gooni ku noqoto oo iska lahaatid Sow ma rabtid? Hade ilahay ayaan kugu dhaariyay unuka hala yaabin hee!


Anagu somali oo dhan ayaan hore gacmo furan ugu so dhaweynay xamar . Derisnimada suubaan caado iyo dhaqan waan uu leenahay oo waa tii sayidkii ku gabyee. Hadane mar labaad diyaar waan uu nahay inaa so dhoweyno somaliweyn.


Laakinse hal wax yey ka hoosbixin kow dheh, xamar maamulkeeda dad baa xaq uu leh. Waana unuka iyo dadka cadcad. hadaanan taas aqbali karina hal wado ayaa ku furan taaso ah in taako ka mid ah soomaliya aysan qabiil lahaan karin.


adeer anagu ma keenin federalism Kow dheh, banaadir iney state gooni noqoto ama state kale ka mid noqoto waa alternatives ku xusan dastuurka marka hadii turubkii la Wada bartay xabad ha cabaadin.


Lol@ wadanki waa laga saari. Adeer plz try do that ;)

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^ Oba Hiloowlow, let me spell it for you niyoow.


1. Bay/Bakook community is against this project

2. Eagle and its larger family is against this project

3. Minorities in Mogadishu are against this project


That means, this project is dead on arrival. It is the reality of politics niyoow. Remember when Mooge tells you these things, it is how things turn out to be.

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^ Oba Hiloowlow, let me spell it for you niyoow.


1. Bay/Bakook community is against this project

2. Eagle and its larger family is against this project

3. Minorities in Mogadishu are against this project


That means, this project is dead on arrival. It is the reality of politics niyoow.
Remember when Mooge tells you these things, it is how things turn out to be.


lol @ Mooges what happen to all your election and impeachment conspiracy prediction keep day dreaming .


3 million more people will not be held prison believe me Mogadishu will have representative in every Gov level upper house lower house etc .....




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