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Update from Puntland

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sol people iska warama. things have been heating up in puntland lately with development on full speed.


1. more roads are being built than any other time in somali history. Garowe, galkacyo, bosaso are all seeing road construction boom.


2. puntland is once again showing its true generosity by hosting thousands of refugees from yemen. regular citizens are taking the lead to help their somali brothers in need. this is no time for political games. puntland is outshining its neighbors.


3. Puntland economy is picking up and puntland government plans to hire more civil servants.


4. Omar cabdirashid is making things possible in mogadishu. he promised to share donor money with puntland. this is big develpment and most HAGs don't like the fact he signed agreement with puntland.


5. construction of bosaso airport is ahead of schedule and will be finished in few months. big big news is coming up. the chinese company wants to stay in puntland and do more projects. puntland's strategy is for this company not to leave puntland for the next ten years. when one project finishes, they will be given another one. puntland established a really good relationship with leaders of this chinese company that more projects will be given to them, one after another. You heard it here first. they will start another project when they finish this one.


6. puntland oil search is going to take off soon. i will not say much about this because i don't want to discuss it for confidentiality reason. soon you will hear a big news.


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