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Senile Siilaanyo snubbed, Somaliland- Somalia talks break down

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kkkk what a novice senile Siilaanyo thought you can deal with the Mogadishu

government in a honest manner. It backfired on him big time.





Shirkii Waddahadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya oo Burburay


Hargeysa (Waaheen) Shirkii Waddahadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya ayaa Burburay ka dib markii Labbada Dhinac ay kala Istaageen Labba Go’aan oo adag.

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Saalax, cut the old man some slack here...


It is not his fault that President Culusow failed miserably in derailing the federalism band wagon.


The purpose of these talks were simple to begin with: they were meant to politically sideline the federalists of Puntland and pursue some sort of north- south confederacy whereby the clans of Hargaysa and Mogadishu held power respectively. But alas, Culusow tried everything but could not stop the formation of Jubaland and the Southwest state.(in fact, he lost a lot of political capital in the process)


Now a defanged Culusow is useless to the Silaanyo administration... And all that they can do now is to throw petty tantrums since the original intent of these talks have failed--- and maybe hope the brainwashed habros get distracted enough with all the noise and tit for tat nonsense, that Silaanyo may stay on after the elections on May 2015.


We shall wait and see.

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Actually it is his fault for being too naive, it didn't start with Culusow

only but originally with Sheikh Sharif that is when the so called "talks"

began. I am aware that Culusow has his own problems with federalism taking

by storm first Jubbaland and secondly south west but surprisingly even with

those problems he played beggar Siilaanyo big time that is the shame in it.

Any Somalilander that thinks a Somaliland and Mogadishu alliance can work

is also naive and needs to get their head checked, we're not in the 90s

anymore and we have different interests politically speaking, so it can't





Time to put this senile old useless man in the dustbin of history, what a

wasted precious 5 years.


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I've been meaning to ask you: Do you, in your hearts of hearts believe, Silaanyo will leave office peacefully?


How popular is the old man within the 3 habro communities, who form the core of the Somaliland federal State?


Are there any competent politicians, who can lead the decendants of the great Sheikh from the precipice of political inconsequentiality in the new and federal Somalia?


I mean, it is one thing to oppose Senile Silanyo, but a different thing to have nothing better to replace him with.

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No but he has no choice, he has to leave due to huge pressure from everywhere,

he is very unpopular with most communities of Somaliland apart from his own




There are better, younger candidates. Anything is better than senile Siilaanyo

honestly. Here is a list of the main things he has failed in his time.



1.Foreign policy > So called Somaliland -Somalia talks = waste of time and he got

slapped hard.


2. Security > open insurgency in Awdal and Sool


3. The so called oil exploration > They left after threats from locals because

Siilaanyo tried to sideline them.


4.Creating further division in Sland




and many more the list is endless.

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