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First female to join Awdal Liberation Front

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Thats a fair point if the old Somali republic was thrown in the bin and Clans have left it , because they could. Somalis are waranles wadaads. The waranles won, the wadaads tried to catch up but they could not. The issue is not can they or cant the Nullify their previous contracts , but can they put into practice can they behave like the Warrior Waranle. and be the Land lord. In the former Somali republic u had several tribal based rebel movements and they toppled the regime. The USC and the SNM and SPM being the most important followed by the SSDF which was dismantled But their former leaders returned and created the Puntland region of Somalia.


And today we see it In Mudug who has what it takes to claim the entire Mudug region or even part of it. Who is willing to sign of land which comes under their state jurisdiction, and what will the ramification be for such a state. The Somali civil war ended in a stalemate between waranles only those we call the Looma ooyaans have lost their lands and honer. Since the state no longer exists and protects citizens. But the state is protected by Foreign troops in the case of Somalia , and in the case of Somaliland the state is protected by the Guurti.

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It is senile war criminal Siilaanyo that alienated the people of Awdal which

promoted this issues hence Wabar picking up the gun, sameway Siad Bare was the

main thing that caused the demise of Somalia.In conclusion the problem is Siilaanyo

not Somaliland, people of Awdal didn't have a issue during the different past

Sland admins for the past decades. It is the people that make a working state

not the other way round, when you have a senile dementia suffer rotted with

tribalism at the helm (Siilaanyo) obviously you will have cracks in the project.

That is common sense.

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