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Somaliland: Weapons Impounded To Be Released

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Berbera,(Qarannews):- According to our sources in Berbera, the Somaliland government has decided to stop unloading the weapons found on a ship at the port and to reload all the items impounded.

The decision taken as a result of lobbying by the Somaliland minister of presidency, Hersi Haji Ali, in consultation with other senior members of the government.


Our sources indicate that the weapons will be loaded back on the ship, and sent on its way. It appears that the ship had sailed from Eritrea with its load of weapons and it owned by a Sudani national. It is not clear its final destination, but there has been noise coming from Somaliland neighbouring regions and it would seem that the weapons are headed for a location very close to Somaliland.


Our sources also indicate that the decision was taken to release the ship, because it was feared that the port of Berbera will be subject to boycott by other ships. Even though there is a weapons embargo on the region and UN office for privacy preventation and monitoring of the weapons embargo is following the matters closely.



All in all, it is hoped that the release of these illegal weapons will not come back to haunt Somaliland.


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The weapons have been already being confiscated yesterday night , they are now talking about what to do to the ship its not even certain it was owned by the Sudanese ,some say it came from Asmara and it was on their way to Houthis. No one claimed these Weapons it contained allot of good Toys 99 Chinese battle tanks Armored vehicles And modern artillery

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