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Somalilanders flee war criminal Siilaanyo's party

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I think you need to read more of the definition of what a war criminal is

it is wide.War criminal Siilaanyo fits in this critrea below. RRU is not a

different issue because RRU comes under war criminal Siilaanyo's

command and he deliberately killed unarmed civilians by telling

the RRU under his command to crack down on them.















International Criminal Court 2002



War crimes are defined in the statute that established the

International Criminal Court, which includes:



Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as:

2.Willful(deliberate) killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury

to body or health Torture or inhumane treatment




The following acts as part of an international conflict:


1.Directing attacks against civilians





Conclusion Siilaanyo is guilty of both. Siilaanyo is a sadistic immoral

war criminal no amount of poor excuses from Xaaji Xundjuf will change






You are not reading clearly what you just posted. Willful is the word since when was sillaanyo deliberately willfully killing his people how come the guy who wanted to go to court is in Hargeysa today part of the Kulmiye party. If Siilaanyo is the war criminal.


Since when did Siilaanyo torture the young boy who was shot or treat him in a Inhumane way. Than it says the following are part of an international conflict since when is there a military conflict in Somaliland how is it even part of an International conflict.


How can you with a straight face try to sell us Somaliland protests are an international conflict. Did Siilaanyo willfully attack the people of Axmed dhagax because they are the people of Axmed dhagax. Or because of the color of their eye or political affiliation the answer is no. Siilaanyo RRU unit tried to stop an ongoing protest which caused the Young Somaliland Boy's death very unfortunate.


How than did Siilaanyo stop the attacks on the civilians how come that no person from Axmed dhagax was killed in Somaliland since the 2012 protests if Siilaanyo was killing them because of their clan? Last time i checked they haven't changed their Clan. Your argument is very weak you need to try again why is Siilaanyo a war criminal according to you bal ku noqo halkaas.




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First of all one doesn't have to be at war to be charged with crimes

against humanity case in point Uhuru Kenyatta the president of Kenya

and his VP were also summoned to the criminal court for his alleged part

in the death of many unarmed civilians which was politically motivated

same as war criminal Siilanyo. War criminal Siilaanyo attacking opposition

and other unarmed civilians with RRU which uses bullets which in turn kills

people is Willful(deliberate), unless you're telling me senile Siilaanyo

thinks they have been using pillows to attack people.



The man your speaking of the politician that he himself was working to

get Siilaanyo to the court he has sold his soul to the same war criminal

that massacred the children of Ahmed Dhagax district and he is heavily

critized by the people of this community for that reason.




This is the reason Siilaanyo is a war criminal as defined in the Geneva

Conventions and if you don't like it tough luck. :D



"1.Directing attacks against civilians"


"2.Willful(deliberate) killing of unarmed civilians"




He is guilty of both as seen in many of the sources posted in this thread,

Inshallah he will pay for it one day. End of discussion.

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First of all one doesn't have to be at war to be charged with crimes

against humanity case in point Uhuru Kenyatta the president of Kenya

was also summoned to the criminal court for his alleged part in the death

of many unarmed acivilians. War criminal Siilaanyo Attacking opposition

and other unarmed civilians with RRU which uses bullets which in turn kills

people is Willful(deliberate), unless you're telling me senile Siilaanyo

thinks they have been using pillows to attack people.



The man your speaking of the politician that he himself was working to

get Siilaanyo to the court he has sold his soul to the same war criminal

that massacred the children of Ahmed Dhagax district and he is heavily

critized by the people of this community for that reason.




This is the reason Siilaanyo is a war criminal and if you don't like it

tough luck.



"1.Directing attacks against civilians"








He is guilty of both as seen in many of the sources posted in this thread.



Now you are arguing for the sake of it lets go back again you said Siilaanyo is a war criminal because he has killed a person in Axmed dhagax while protesting, and the reason you gave was it was because of their clan. Now you changed from your initial stance and you said it was because of them being opposition but Xasqoor was not even a political party at that time.


Than you went on and comparing President Siilaanyo with Uhuro kenyatta and William ruto a protest in Somaliland with one fatality in contrast to Kenya more than 1,000 people died and hundreds of thousands were displaced when ethnic groups loyal to leading candidates torched homes and hacked rivals in violence that raged until early 2008.


How on earth can u compare that to President Siilaanyo and the incident in 2012, When did that happen in Somaliland how can you compare the 2 situation even. How can the guy who was running the case from the very start being criticized now a Question how come no one is re appealing the case against president siilaanyo i mean if he is a War criminal why are they letting him of the hook?

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I said he is a war criminal because of the many people that died under his

reign not just because of only Xaqsoor I highlighted those events also happened

in many other cities and regions examples Gabiley:1 dead, 9 injured, Burco:3 dead

and several injured in different events and many other places. Xaqsoor was a

legitimate party running in the local elections for you to claim it wasn't a

party it is pretty delusional. The only difference between the Kenyan crimes

and the crimes committed by war criminal Siilaanyo is the number. Many people

are working to bring Siilaanyo to court we have seen the Sool community

working on it, Xaqsoor community wanting to do it, it will be just a matter

of time.

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Somaliland can only have 3 political parties not more than that so Xaqsoor was not a legitimate party it was a candidate to be one of those 3 but not a legitimate national party of the republic. Did Somaliland president pre planned to attack the people of axmed dhagax based on their clan ur not answering my question why did he stop , you said he attacked them because of their qabil how come no one got killed since 2012. The Kenyan Luo Kikuyu killings is a different story allot of hate was incited. Somaliland has been cracking down Militias since the time of ssc and now Khatumo and they are all armed Somaliland never attacks civilians when they are dealing with separatists of the Khatumo group.So you cant compare xaqsoor incident with Somaliland security forces protecting the nation from domestic enemies.

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It was a political party nevertheless a candidate political party running

to be one of the three major parties of Somaliland which unfortunately

war criminal Siilaanyo gunned down its unarmed protestors and injured

many.As for why he stopped , he got under a huge pressure that incident

alone resulted in the Ahmed Dhagax community to start planning bringing

him to court in the west for the next time he tries to visit a doctor

in the UK. :D

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