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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: Hageysa mayor welcomes Swedish delegation

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Wefti Uu Hogaaminayo Xoghayaha Dawladda Hoose Ee Stockholm Oo Hargeysa Lagu Soo Dhaweeyay





Hargeysa(Ramaas)January-08-2014-Duqa Caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Caydiid(Soltelco), xubno Golaha degaanka ka tirsan iyo agaasimaha Warfaafinta ayaa maanta Hargeysa kus oo dhaweeyay wefti uu hogaaminayo Xoghayaha Dawladda hoose ee Caasimada Sweden ee Stockholm Mr Lors Radh. Weftiga waxa kale oo wehelinayay Jaaliyad reer Somaliland ah oo kaalin ka gaystay imaatinka Xoghayaha Stockholm.

Maayarka Hargeysa Mr Soltelco oo weftiga ku soo dhaweeyay madaarka Hargeysa ayaa si diiran u soo dhaweeyay Masuuliyiinta dawladda hoose ee Stockholm “waxa maanta noo farxad ah inaanu halkan ku soo dhawayno waftiga ka socda dalka Sweden gaar ahaan magaalada Stockholm ee u hogaaminayo xoghayaha dawlada hoose ee Stockholm ee ay wehelinayaan xubnaha kale iyo wakiilada jaaliyada somaliland ee dalkaasi, waxaanan jaaliyada uga mahad celinayaa sida ay uga soo shaqeeyaan sidii loo samayn lahaa xidhiidhka u dhaxeeya labada magaalo.” Ayuu yidhi Duqa Hargeysa.

Xoghayaha dawladda hoose ee Stockholm ayaa dhankiisa ka mahadceliyay soo dhaweynta dawladda hoose ee Hargeysa u samaysay. Waxa uu sidoo kale u mahadceliyay jaaliyadda Somaliland ee Sweden ee wehelinaysay oo uu sheegay inay ka soo shaqeeyeen bookhashadiisa islamarkaana ay yihiin xubno si firfircoon uga dhex muuqda Sweden.

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Xaaji, niyoow I can assure you if Awdal community which is big in Sweden starts their campaign to tell the truth, no one from Swedish government will ever visit your enclave Hargeisa. this trip was already preplanned and nobody from Awdal protested it yet. but wait till situation gets real niyoow. your whole somaliland cause will be beheaded by intelligent people playing a better game than the game you kept playing in the last 20 years.


you have awaken a sleeping giant niyoow. you played all your turub Xaaji. all you have is threats that somaliland is sacred, somaliland way dushay, somaliland wa la xoreyey talk.

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