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Somalia Oo Soo Saartay War Ka Dhan Ah Macdan Qodista Ka Socota Gobolka Awdal

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Somalia Oo Soo Saartay War Ka Dhan Ah Macdan Qodista Ka Socota Gobolka Awdal,Carqaladna Ku Ah Wada Hadalka Labada Dal -




Hargeysa(Ramaas)January-07-2014-War ka soo baxay Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Badroolka Somalia ayaa lagu sheegay inay xaalado amaan darro ka abuurtay Gobolka Awdal Shirkadda Chiness-ka ah ee halkaasi macdanta ka qodaysa.


Warkan oo u muuqda mid siyaasadaysan islamarkaana la buun-buuniyay laguna sheegay in xaalad amaan darro ka jirto Gobolkaasi ayay xukumadda taagta darran ee Somalia uga digtay Shirkadda Chiness-ka ah ee ARC inay joojiso Hawlaha ay ka hayso Gobolka Awdal ee Galbeedka Somaliland.


“Howlaha ARC ay sida sharci-darrada ah uga waddo Somalia waxay abuurtay xasillooni-darro soo wajahday deegaannadaas, kadib markii ay boqolaal qof oo meleeshiyaad ah shaqaaleysay si ay u ilaaliyaan shirkadda iyo shaqaalaha howsha u wada, isla markasna ay barakicisay dadkii iyo duunyadii ku noolaa deegaankaas,” ayaa lagu sheegay Warka Wasaaradda Macdanta Somalia.


Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Badroolka u qaabilsan Somalia, ayaa ku doodaysa in xasarado ay halkaas ka abuurayso hawsha macdan baadhista ah ee ay shirkaddu ka waddo.


“Xasarado iyo colaado ka dhaca gobolka Awdal si looga fogaado, wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Batroolka waxay ka dalbanaysa shirkadda ARC inay si deg-deg ah u joojiso macdan baarista sharci-darrada ah ee ay ka waddo Soomaaliya, taasoo dhalisay xasarad siyaasadeed iyo nabadgelyo-darrada ka aloosantay deegaankaas oo muddo dheer ahaa mid nabdoon,” ayay wasaaraddu sheegtay


Waxaa kale oo lagu sheegay qoraalka wasaaradda. “Dowladda Soomaaliya waxay ujeedinaysaa dawladda Shiinaha in shirkadaha dalkeeda laga leeyahay aysan ka qayb-qaadan sii hurinta colaadaha sokeeye ee Soomaaliya.”


Hadalkan ka soo baxay Xukumadda Somalia ayaa u muuqda mid waxyeelaynaya Heshiisyadii Somalia iyo Somaliland hore u dhexmaray ee sheegayay In laga fogaado wax kastoo wada hadallada carqalad gelin kara iyo In aan la siyaasadayn deeqaha beni’aadannimo, maashaariicda dib u dhiska lana dhiirageliyo.


Mushkiladaha Warkan lagu sheegay iyo Maleeshiyaadka barakaca sameeyay ayaa ah xaalad aan ka jirin Gobolka Awdal marka laga reebo Cabasho dhanka Saami qaybsiga ah oo Reer Awdal tirsanayaan.


Buuraha Simoodi ee Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Tamarta Somaliland iyo Shirkadda Chiness-ka ah ee ARC ka wadaan Macdan qodista ayaa ah kuwo si caadi ah u socda islamarkaana dhawaan uu bookhday wasiirka Macdanta Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale.

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Those meetings are useless, they are just platform for Siilaanyo to bring

his begging bowl and beg for ministers while his admin is treated in this

way in return.

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Well, Mogadishu threw a curve ball, that's for sure. Even Khaatumo never got this much attention.


Siilaanyo mishandled the situation. He should have listened to the elders that respectfully came to him.


Let's the Feds say about oil companies in Puntland.

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The Awdal community is united that is the difference. Siilaanyo is not a

savyy politician so he doesn't understand how Mogadishu politicians operate,

they will smile in your face but scheme behind your back, let him learn it

the hard way. :D

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This is just the beginning. who knows, in the near future, when he visits London, we may even arrest Siilaanyo himself for his crimes.

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Galbeedi, Awdal must have influence in the SFG for them to take such audacious step. The only person that comes to mind is the Foreign Minister but I didn't see him as someone that can move people.

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Che, truly speaking we do not have that much influence in Mogadishu. Some of our MP pushed the envelope a little. The foreign minister might have got some pressure too. No more illegal companies in our region. The Chinese and others got the message.


Believe me you , if the so called government keeps closing their ears from Awdal, unlike the SNM community, we will be out of Somalia for real.

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CheAwdal has 9 mps in the parliament of Mogadishu i doubt these people have any influence,like the rest of the Somalilanders there they are there just for the money. The Foreign minister wa nin macaan waxyalaha iskuma ba mashquuliyo he is busy writing columns about the Mogadishu administration and their objectives.



Galbeedi if you want to talk to the SNM they are in Hargeysa , but wabar is in Ethiopia i think he needs a compass , he needs to come to Hargeysa we can hear his cries from Ethiopia.

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Xaaji, you are still underestimating this community. you arrogance has no bounds niyoow.


you even dismissed the foreign minister has any influence. lol. niyoow


in principle i object to qoslaye HAG team making unilateral rejections of regional state deals like Puntland, but the Awdal case is a special case because the SNM and Chinese team are already mining and taking minerals home and destroying environment while locals are shut out 100% with no benefit at all. this is not exploration to see what is in there. the Chinese are stealing from one clan and giving it to another clan.


The Chinese government was not even informed by these thieves that means the communist party will behead the CEO. the communist party doesn't joke around with bad publicity like this niyoow specially when it comes to Africa which they have so much investment.


this project is a toast. they better take their equipment before they are stolen.

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I think you guys misunderstood my comment. I was referring to Somali government when I said about heeding the Awdal issue.


Xaaji, negotiation with Somaliland is over. There won't be any. We will sit down when you leave Awdal region.


Wabar will never talk to Somalilnd until he liberates his land.

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