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After men, monkeys have the most intelligence, says an author. Others will argue tha

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"After men, monkeys have the most intelligence," says an author. Others will argue that women do.


To find fault with a woman's intellect you must first find her intellect.


A man gets what he wants by acting smart; a woman, by playing dumb.


Women can write more interestingly than men on the really important topics of civilization: dress, food and furniture.


She wavers, she hesitates; in a word, she is a woman.


Woman's one notable invention: Perpetual emotion.


Woman submits to her fate; man makes his.


God made woman beautiful and foolish; beautiful, that man might love her; and foolish, that she might love him.


There are two kinds of women: those who wish to marry, and those who haven't the slightest intention not to.


To a single woman men are either dates, potential dates, or date substitutes.


Women: an infinity of cosmetics.


Men say knowledge is power; women think dress is power.


Women who are not vain about their clothes are often vain about not being vain about their clothes.


Women are the decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly.


Woman's first duty is to her dressmaker. What the second duty is no one has yet discovered.


There are few women whose worth lasts longer than their beauty.


Woman strives for loveliness, man for dignity.


Beauty is the wisdom of women. Wisdom is the beauty of men.


Many women would swap brains for beauty and think they were getting the best of the bargain.


The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows that the average man can see much better than he can think.


Smart men are smarter than they look; smart women look smarter than they are.


A man, conceivably, could adjust to the knowledge

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go monkeys,go monkeys



hey i wonder y all women are after dress,thjat is their power true isn't it.


waraa bas hee,womenka iska dhaaf

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