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President Gaas visits Eyl city

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Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr C/wali Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa duhurnimadii maanta Gaaray degmada Eyl oo ka tirsan gobolka Nugaal.


Wafdi madaxweynaha oo ay ka mid yihiin wasiiro, Xildhibaano iyo maamulka gobolka ayaa saaka ka amba baxay magaalada Garoowe Caasimada Puntland.


Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa waxaa duleedka magaalada Eyl kaga hor yimid oo ksoo dhaweeyey maamulka Degmada Eyl, Wasiiro shalay gaaray Degmada iyo shacabka Eyl.


Ujeedka Safarka madaxweynaha ayaa ah inuu dhagax dhig ku sameeyo dhisme loogu tala galay ciidamada badda Puntland, Sidoo kale waxa uu wafdigu u kuur galayaa xaalada degmada iyo deegaamada hoos taga.

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Puntland government's agenda is to make sure every city, small or big gets a visit from high ranking officials. no more sitting around Garoowe and big cities while small towns are neglected and never visited by high level government officials.


This is going in the right direction niyoow. let us keep this up.

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