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Madaxweynaha Maamulka Uganda: i hope unity returns in 2015

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Madaxweyne Xasan “Sanadka 2015 waxaa rajeyneynaa in arrinta Midnimada horumar badan laga sameeyo”

by A M | Monday, Dec 22, 2014 | 781 views





Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa rajo ka muujiyay in wada hadalada u dhaxeeya dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Somaliland horumar laga sameeyo sanadka 2015.


Madaxweyne Xasan oo shalay ku soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho, kadib markii dalka Jabuuti ay wada hadalo ku yeesheen isaga iyo Madaxweynaha Somaliland, ayaa sheegay in bisha Febraayo dib loogu laaban doono magaalada Istanbul, si wada hadalada dib u bilowdaan.


Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa wuxuu sheegay in dalka Soomaaliya uu dhismaayo oo uu ku tilaabsanaayo horumaro wanaagsan, islamarkaana sanadka cusub uu rajeynaayo in la arko Soomaali oo midoowday.


“Arrinta lagu heshiiyay waxaa ka mid ahaa in wada hadalada halkii ay ka socdeen ee Istanbul dib loogu noqdo oo wada hadalka laga sii wado, Sanadka 2015 waxaa rajeyneynaa inuu noqdo sanadkii horumar badan laga sameeyo arrinta Midnimada”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh.


Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay inay muhiim tahay in arrinta masiiriga ah laga wada hadlo, isla markaana ay ka soo baxdo marka la wada fariisto natiijo wanaagsan sida uu yiri.


Wada hadalada u dhaxeeyay Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Somaliland oo bilowday sanadkii 2012 ayaa ahaa wada hadal waqti dheer qaatay, kaasoo aan ilaa iyo hada gudaha loogu daa-degin arrimaha muhiimka ee ku aadan Midnimada Soomaaliya iyo gooni isu taaga ay ku dhawaaqday Somaliland.



The talks are waste of time. Maamulka Uganda must become independent, solve the problems in the south, built great army existing of the different clans from north, bari, central and south. When that day comes, the secessionist somalidiid will be defeated militarily bi'idnillah. War is the only solution in my opinion. I dont believe in diplomacy with people that love xabashis more than somalis. They can always move to Ethiopia closer to their lovedoness the xabashis and tigrays. This land Somalia belongs to the Somalis and will be ruled by the Somalis, not traitors.

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Every one can hope


How can Somalia have a strong army when the so called Somali army is fighting Aswj in the central regions and losing allot of men


The terrorists and Pirates of the south and the Anarchists can only wish to harm Somaliland for the time being they remain to hurt themselves only.

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Even if there was to be an honest pursuit of a united Somalia again, Hassan is not in a position to initiate it. Nor are the tribal warlords currently in the South masquerading as Somali nationalists. I'm still waiting to see an honest, peace-loving Konfurian politician. They just do not exist.

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