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Shariif Sakiin is consolidating power now. He named new ministers.

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Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed oo magacaabay qaar ka mida Golaha wasiiradiisa

DECEMBER 18, 2014


Madaxweynaha Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aaadan ayaa maanta gelinkii dambe ku dhawaaqay magacaabista qaar kamida golahiisa ee maamulka koonfur Galbeed, Shariif Xasan ayaa shaaca ka dhigey afar wasiir oo uu ukala magacaabay afar wasaaradoo.


Madaxweynaha maamulkan ayaa magacaabay:


Wasiirka Wasaarada Garsoorka Axmed Sheekh Xasan .


Wasiirka Wasaarada Beeraha Maxamed Xasan Fiqi.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha C/raxmaan Ibraahim Aadan .


Wasiirka Wasaarada Maaliyada Sheekh Xasan ibraahim Lugbuur.


Shariif Xasan oo markuu ku dhawaaqayey wasiiradan ku sugnaa Garoonka diyaaradaha Baydhabo ayaa markale ku celiyey in xukuumadiisa ay noqondoonto mid laga dhex arko masuuliyiin aqoon iyo khibrad u leh maamulka wasaaradaha sidoo kalana uu ka qayb gelinayo dhinacyada khilaafka kula dhaxeeyo oo hada xalintooda meel wanaagsan u marayo.


Magacaabista ka dib ayuu madaxweynaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan u duulay magaalada Muqdisho halkaa oo uu kulamo kula leeyahay masuuliyiinta dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya sidoo kalana uu qorshaynayo in uu kulan la qaato Ra’iisal wasaaraha cusub

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Sakiin is copying Puntland formula which is that if you build a winning state, you can win political fights against the weak ineffective goverment. He is best friends with CCC and Sakiin has the ambition to become President of Somalia.


Too many interests butting heads at the moment. Everyone is trying to position himself for the 2016 big bite.

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Shariif Sakiin is fast earning my respect.


I believe as long as he works hard for the people of Bay/Bakool & Sh.Dhexe and delivers the necessary peace and prosperity they desperately need, then I believe with their backing coupled with his brilliant acumen in the politics of Somalis... will make him a legend in his own right, and more than likely--a successful presidential candidate in 2016.

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