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Ethiopia refuses to hand over Suldaan Wabar to war criminal Siilaanyo

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Interesting development, Ethiopia has its own motive as usual.





Breaking News: Wararka Hor Dhaca ah ee aan Ka Helayno wafti Wasiiro iyo Taliyayaal Ciidan Isuga Jira oo Siiraanyo u Diray Addis Ababa


"Dawlada Itoobiya ayaa iyaduna dhinaceeda faxkii kasoo jawaab celisay oo wakiilka u sheegtay sida aanu ka helnay ilo dibloomaasiyeed oo ka ag dhaw xafiiska wakiilka itoobiya jawaabtii ay dawlada addis ababa ay soo celisay ayaa lagu sheegay inay ku nuux nuuxsatey Suldaan Wabar inuu suldaan u yahay bulsho badan oo degan degaanka ethiopia sidoo kalena uu suldaan u yahay dadka degan qarka kale."

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niyoow it is sad when a Habashi is saving your own life than your own Somali brother. Siilaanyo would do anything to capture or kill this brave Suldan who said enough is enough of this corrupt administration.

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Siilaanyo is a blood thirsty criminal what do you expect. Latest news are saying

the Suldaan is back in Awdal with his militia between Quljeed and Boon town.His

community settles in western Awdal between Djibouti, Somaliland and Ethiopia

borders. It will be difficult to catch him in such mountainous terrain.

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